xxvi. leave, leave again

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chapter twenty-six


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FINNICK AND OCTAVIA WAKE UP TO THE SOUND OF KNOCKING. The couple jumps out of bed alertly. Octavia gets to the door first, telling Finnick to stay back.

She opens the door slowly. To her surprise, there's no one there. She opens the door further, looking back and forth trying to see any sign of who knocked.

At her feet, a single white rose lays delicately. She bends down to pick it up, twisting it between her fingers. Her eyebrows furrow in confusion. She brings it inside with her and shuts the door.

Finnick comes out, eyes falling on the rose in Octavia's hand. Rhea was partially awake on the couch, looking equally confused.

"It has to be from Snow," she says, handing it to Finnick to look at. He examines it for a moment.

"I should probably go," he says. Octavia frowns. Her sadness is clear, but Finnick still goes to her room to collect his things. She looks over at her mom for a moment, who gives her a look that says go.

Octavia follows Finnick into her bedroom. His back is turned to her.

"Are you going to Four?" She asks. She hopes. The Capitol seems like the worst option for him right now.

"I don't know," he says, not even glancing at her. Octavia clenches her jaw. She doesn't respond. Finnick sighs, turning to face her.

"What else do you suggest?" He asks.

"Finnick, I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just disappointed. Don't go back to the Capitol because of this, it's not safe."

"I think it's safer there than here," he says through a scoff. Octavia blinks, taken aback at his words. She purses her lips. She stays quiet.

"I'm sorry. What do you want me to do? Stay here and put you in danger?" he raises his voice.

"You can't be angry at me for wanting you to stay!"

"I'm not angry at you for wanting me to stay, I'm angry at you for not caring what happens to you! It's not about me, Octavia," he shouts, face turning red. Octavia doesn't say a word.

"Do you have any idea how I'd feel if something happened to you because I was being careless—if you got hurt?" He questions loudly, stepping closer to her with every word.

"Finnick, I-" she tries.

"No! No. You don't know, Octavia. If you die, I would never forgive myself. I would never see the light of day again. I would spend every day without you looking for ways to die, too, so that I don't have to live without you. I cannot put you in danger because I want to be selfish and be here with you, knowing the risk. I won't do it!"

His voice carries out through the house, maybe even through the neighborhood. Finnick takes a couple of deep breaths. Octavia doesn't know what to say.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now