xxxvii. broken, bitter promises

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chapter thirty-seven

WHEN THEY ARRIVED IN THE CAPITOL, the trio from Eleven went their separate ways rather quickly

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WHEN THEY ARRIVED IN THE CAPITOL, the trio from Eleven went their separate ways rather quickly. Seeder and Chaff went to Haymitch, who was mentoring again this year. Seeder told Octavia they were going to discuss strategy and potentially allying with Katniss and Peeta. Chaff just wanted to drink.

Octavia wasn't against allying with Katniss and Peeta, but it would surely put a target on her back. If she got taken out as a way for someone to get to Katniss, she wouldn't be able to protect Chaff and Finnick.

In Finnick's apartment, he and Mags sit on the dark blue couch eating a bowl of lamb stew for lunch. Three knocks grab the attention of the pair as they share a look. As Finnick opens the door, a pair of arms wrap around his neck instantly. Octavia flows into him like water as they embrace.

"Octavia," he mutters in relief, squeezing her tightly. Octavia bites her lip to keep herself from sobbing as tears fall from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I had to," she says, referring to her volunteering for Seeder.

"I know, baby, I know," his low voice whispers into her ear, pain filling his tone.

They pull away after another minute. Octavia directs her attention to Mags. Her brown eyes begin to cry again.

"Mags," Her voice shakes as she breathes out the woman's name. Mags stands, shaking her head to tell Octavia not to cry.

Mags gives Octavia a gentle hug. Finnick clenches his jaw to keep from breaking down at the sight of the two of them.

They were the two most important women in his life by far, and this would be one of the last times he'd get to see them.

Mags' hands on Octavia's face work to wipe away her tears. Octavia gathers her emotions after a few minutes.

Silence overcomes the group.

Mags points at the two of them and gestures toward the bedroom, telling them to go talk. Octavia kisses Mags' head before she walks away from the woman. Mags leaves the apartment at the same time that they go into the bedroom.

Finnick follows Octavia to his bedroom, shutting the door behind them.


Her lips cut him off. She passionately kisses him with the love of a thousand lifetimes on her tongue. He kisses her back with just as much emotion.

After a long moment, they separate.

"Octavia, I didn't tell you I love you," Finnick says, looking down at her with regret filling his green eyes. Octavia's brow knits in confusion.

"You didn't have to." She strokes his cheekbone with her thumb as she looks up at him. He swallows.

"How the hell are we going to get out of this?" He asks seriously. Octavia gives him a sad smile.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now