xviii. deprived of you

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chapter twenty-eight


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IT WAS LATE INTO THE AFTERNOON AS OCTAVIA AND CHAFF SAT IN SEEDER'S KITCHEN AS THE WOMAN PREPARED TEA. The trio had spent the day with Seeder's children, trying to relieve their minds of anything outside of the home.

Octavia was desperate for a break from loss. It seemed to be her closest friend these days. Loss stalked her like a shadow, infiltrating every inch of land that she walked on, every follicle of her skin, and every heart other than hers that she'd ever loved.

It was haunting. She couldn't sleep at night when Finnick was away. The faces of the dead screamed out at her. The dead taunt her in the way that she wishes death would attack her.

The tea kettle begins squealing as the steam attempts to escape. Seeder had stepped away to tend to one of the kids. Octavia goes to grab the tea from the stove.

Maybe she wasn't paying attention, maybe she'd forgotten how hot the kettle could get, many "maybe"'s don't make the truth, though. 

She cries out as her hand graces the side of the kettle rather than the handle on the top. She bites down on her lip to keep from cursing in front of Seeder's children.

Chaff rushes to her side, attempting to grab the girl's wounded hand. Her palm quickly became red and swollen, blisters beginning to bubble on the tender skin.

Chaff gently examines it, against Octavia's attempts to pull away. He moves his hands around wildly, scolding her for being so careless. She looks away from him in shame.

He sets her hand under the cool, running water from Seeder's faucet. He leaves her alone in the room for a moment.

Octavia is worried at the fact that the pain may be the first time she's felt alive since Finnick left.

There are those pesky "maybe"'s again.

Chaff returns with wet leaves in hand Octavia recognizes them as the medicinal leaves that were typically the only option in Eleven. She also recognizes that they're the same leaves that Rue used to aid Katniss a few weeks ago in the arena. It feels like a lifetime ago.

Between the loss of her father, Rue, Thresh, and Finnick's absence, Octavia can't convince herself that things will ever be okay again.

Chaff wraps her palm in leaves, covering those with a fabric bandage, and covering them with a towel. Seeder is behind him, giving Octavia a look. Octavia chews the inside of her cheek.

"Don't tell me you don't know how tea kettles work," Seeder says. Octavia forces a tiny smile. Chaff and Seeder share a glance.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now