lvii. to those who live

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chapter fifty-seven


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"I know where we are! I know a place!" She shouts. The group continues to run, following her.

As they continue, "Wanted" signs with Seeder's face taunt Octavia.

There is no time to cry. They keep running.

Finnick interlocks his fingers with Octavia's, ensuring that they won't get separated.

When they reach a door, Cressida knocks frantically. Octavia pants, trying to catch her breath.

"Someone's coming," Peeta says. As soon as the door opens, Cressida rushes inside.

"Shut the door, shut the door!" Cressida demands. As the group piles in, Katniss draws her weapon and aims at the unidentified person.

"Katniss, no!" Octavia shouts, pushing Katniss' bow to the ground.

She looks at the woman in front of her.

"Little star?"

"Lionia," Octavia breathes, crashing into the woman who'd been her stylist all those years ago. "I thought you were dead!"

"That's what I needed Snow to think," Lionia whispers as she hugs Octavia tightly. Another woman appears, speaking to Cressida.

"Tigris, do you remember me?" Cressida asks, "I'm with Plutarch's underground. We need your help."

"Tigris? Lionia, this is your wife?" Octavia asks, looking over to the other woman.

"You're Octavia," Tigris greets, "I've heard so much about you."

"Lionia. . . I can't believe you're alive," Octavia breathes.

"Octavia, come on, we don't have much time," Katniss says. Tigris guides them to a hidden set of stairs.

Octavia is the last to go, holding onto Lionia's hand like a lost child.

"Little star," Lionia says gently, "I'm so glad you found me."

Octavia breathes out a smile, pulling the woman back into a quick hug. Finnick guides Octavia beneath the floor, she waves goodbye to Lionia.

"You know her?" Katniss questions as the trapdoor shuts.

"She was my stylist," Octavia informs her, "I thought she was dead."

In the corner, Pollux cries, mourning the loss of his brother.

Octavia begins to come down from the shock of Lionia being alive and remembers that Seeder was gone.

Finnick carefully helps Octavia sit down beside him, and backs against a wall.

"Finnick. . ." she breathes, tears stinging at her eyes. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her into him.

"I know, I know," he whispers. She bites her cheek, desperate not to cry. Before her sobs can reach the surface, Katniss speaks.

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