xi. when the sun rises

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chapter eleven


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TIME HAD PASSED SINCE OCTAVIA HAD LAST BEEN IN THE CAPITOL. It had been months since President Snow had crowned her in front of her district. The mayor had showed her around the Victor's Village, where she now resided. Her parents refused her attempts to have them live with her. Rhea and Consus did not want to be indebted to the Capitol. Their reunion with their daughter was bittersweet. They had gotten one child back at the price of another. The painful truth that Augustus was gone made it hard for the family to converse as they use to. Octavia could not bear to be in the home she and her brother once shared. So, she lives alone.

Of course, with Seeder and Chaff in such close vicinity, she was never really alone. Seeder would regularly come by to make sure Octavia was eating. Chaff would come by offering Octavia alcohol, which she usually accepted and let sit on a shelf in the kitchen. She knew that he meant well with the gesture, but was curious if Chaff had forgotten that she was only fifteen, or if he just didn't care.

Rhea and Consus would visit occasionally. It was difficult for them to be there as it was for Octavia to be in her parents home. They made time to see each other outside of their homes, walking around the town together. With Octavia's recent riches, there wasn't much for her to do. She had left her parents a significant amount of money that she was sure they wouldn't spend. She left it anyway, in case they needed it. She also gave money to the Morrowson's. They didn't want to accept it. She left it on the table regardless.

Octavia's house was too big for one person. The dark oak planks covered the entire flooring. There was a living room that was bigger than the Cirillo's entire home. The living room had a gray cushioned couch that sat in front of a television. A shelf filled with books held the television up. The kitchen was big too, with a large amount of storage and cabinets, a sink, a refrigerator, and a dining table. Then there was her bedroom. It had a large bed that was far to big for one girl, a desk with a mirror, a small table beside the bed with a lamp. Octavia didn't use half of the things in her home. There was another room too, she assumed it was meant to be a room for her parents, had they decided to move in. It remains empty now.

A lot remains empty in Octavia Cirillo's life. She feels that she is missing so much. Her brother, her friend, her boyfriend, her parents. She was no longer a child. Her brother, her friend, and boyfriend were all dead. Her parents struggled to look her in the eye. Octavia had nothing.

Octavia looks through the books on her shelf, examining the titles and flipping through pages. A knock on the door startles her. She sets down the book and rises from her spot on the floor. She walks over to the door, expecting to see Seeder or Chaff. What she did not expect, was the President at her doorstep.

"President Snow? What an honor! Please, come in." She says calmly, her heart is pounding in her chest. She's already won, what more could he want from her?

"How are you finding the Victor's life, Octavia?" He walks into her home, Peacekeeper's following every step of his.

"It's nice. Thank you. You've been nothing but generous." Octavia says pleasantly. The President smiles at her answer. He looks around the house, spinning on his heel.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now