lx. octavia's letter

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Dear Katniss and Peeta,

It's been a while since we've talked last. Finnick and I debated on coming to visit, but I don't think I'm ready to pass through Eleven. I hope I'll be ready one day.

I know you two have gone through a lot in the past few years. I was thinking about when I first met the two of you, I remember feeling angry and hurt. There was a long time in my life where to know one thing was to have lost another, to know you two was to have lost Thresh and Rue. It was selfish, but that was the world we lived in.

Without you two, our world would never have changed. Finnick and I would never have been where we are now. It's been a few months and our baby seems to grow more every day.

We are excited and hopeful to watch him grow up in a world where he can know love and peace. It's something I wished for my whole life, and I'm sure you did too.

If you ever decide to have children, I hope you tell them how your bravery and love saved Panem. I hope to see them grow, too.

How's Haymitch been? I hope he's found his peace. I think that in another world, he and Chaff would have had parties with themselves every night, drinking to enjoy it rather than to forget. Seeder would have scolded them, surely.

I hope that one day you'll come to Four and enjoy the sea. It is truly captivating.

Oh, one last thing. . .

His name will be Augustus Chiron Cirillo Odair.

My parents were always into Greek mythology (hence the names Octavia and Augustus). The God Chiron was often considered the first teacher, but I like to see the name as more of a mentor, for my mentors and for all those who taught me what life should be, including you both.

Thank you for everything, Katniss and Peeta.

With love,

The Odair Family



idk if anyone reads these authors notes, but if you do, i just want to say thank you so much for reading this story. when i started this story, i never expected to finish it, let alone for others to read and fall in love with it.

writing finnick and octavia's story has been such a great journey, and im so glad you all could come on it with me as you read.

thank you so much for reading.

i love you all!


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