xix. the first cut stings the most

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chapter nineteen


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FINNICK'S RIGHT HAND SWINGS TOWARD OCTAVIA'S FACE. She effortlessly dodges his punch, pushing his arm away from her and hurling her fist into his newly exposed chest.

"You call that a punch?" Octavia questions, breathing heavily. Finnick smirks, cocking his head to the side.

"Oh, you want more?" He teases, moving his hands away from his stance for a moment. Octavia seizes the opened space. She takes a quick step with her left foot, letting her right swing upward into Finnick's bare torso.

"You're going easy on me," Octavia exclaims, frustration clear in her voice. Her right arm swings toward Finnick, hitting his jaw. He falls, sitting on his knees for a moment, hand in the air telling her to pause. His hand meets his jaw, rubbing it slightly.

"No, Octavia, I'm not," he says. He stands up from his knees, facing Octavia. Her hand rises to his jaw, her index finger gently drags along it until it reaches his chin.

"I think you'll live." Octavia smiles. Finnick lets out a laugh, gently pushing the girl back from him. She giggles, grabbing her glass of water from behind her.

The once vacant room in Octavia's home in the Victor's Village is now filled like the training center in the Capitol; punching bags, a mock katana, a climbing wall, even a mock trident (which was obviously Finnick's).  The room gave Octavia something to use some of her money on, as well as giving Finnick a reason to spend nearly all his free time in District Eleven.

The past few years had been quiet. Finnick and Octavia spent most of their time in one of the two's homes. The  pair's relationship had grown past any common one. Their love was radiant, anyone who saw them together would know in a heartbeat that the two couldn't love anything more than each other.

As a result of the fact, President Snow made certain that no citizens of Panem would see the two of them together, ever. It wasn't too hard so far. Even if any of Four or Eleven's residents had noticed the Victor's inseparability, they wouldn't inform the Capitol. Nearly eight years later, the district's still stood by Octavia and Finnick.

Alena regularly made trips into the districts. Her and her friend, Johanna. Finnick and Octavia pretended not to know that the pair of them were obviously together, the girls were completely unaware that they knew. It was refreshing to see the evolution of Johanna and Alena's relationship. When Alena had first mentioned it to Finnick and Octavia, they were hesitant. The girl had just won, they weren't sure how well she would be adjusted to life as a Victor. To their surprise, she was kind to them. The four had become good friends throughout the years.

"I should get going, love," Finnick says, one hand rests on Octavia's hip and the other wraps around her waist. Octavia sighs, leaning into him.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now