xl. shot in the dark

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chapter forty


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OCTAVIA WOKE UP TO FINNICK'S SNORING IN HER EAR. She looked around to find the clock in the dark room. It was half past seven. She begins to shake Finnick lightly.

"Finn, wake up," she whispers. Finnick stirs.


"We have a half hour to get ready for our assessments." She stands up from the bed, yanking the duvet off of him, causing him to groan.

"Get up. Interviews are tonight, too. Busy day." She flips the light switch on, rummaging through a drawer to find her training clothes. Finnick rolls out of bed, coming up behind her just as she removes her shirt. He wraps his hands around her bare waist, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Octavia can't help but smile.

"Finnick," she warns as his hands begin to move down her body. She turns around to face him, removing his hands. He groans again. "Go. You need to make sure Mags eats breakfast."

He nods.

"I'll see you tonight?" He asks. Octavia smiles and nods at his words.

"Of course," she says as she stands on her tiptoes, pecking his lips. He leaves the room and Octavia finishes getting ready. Her hair had been braided tightly to her head by the stylists when they'd first arrived in the Capitol, so she didn't have to spend any time on it.

She leaves her bedroom to see Chaff sitting alone at the kitchen table. He looks at her when she walks into the room.

"Where's Seeder?" She asks, noticing the glass in his hands that was empty. His drinking habits were never stable, but she couldn't blame him for it.

"With Haymich, I think," he tells her. He thinks for a moment, wondering how angry she still was with him.

"You shouldn't be drinking so early, we have our assessments today," she reminds him.

"I know," he nods, "Octavia, I-"

"Chaff, I'm not angry at you for thinking it was the way to keep me safe, I am angry at you for not telling me the plan. After all of these years, how can you not trust me?"

"It isn't that I don't trust you, but I know you. I didn't think you'd ever consider it because your instinct is to protect the people you love—not the possibility of a revolution," he explains, wanting her to understand.

"Chaff, I would've agreed to anything if it meant that you and Finnick could both get out of this. Anything. You should have told me."

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now