xxxvi. old habits die hard

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chapter thirty-six


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"THIS IS NOT GOODBYE, OCTAVIA." Finnick's words attempt to comfort her, but she is guarded by her realism.

"I can't let Seeder go into the games if I can stop it. She has children, Finnick," Octavia tells him.

"But I need you," his voice shakes. Octavia bites her cheek.

"You'd do it too, wouldn't you? If you could volunteer for Mags?" She asks him, looking up at his green eyes. He clenches his jaw, knowing how right she is.

"It won't be both of us, though, there's no way," he shakes his head, trying to convince himself. Octavia's eyes begin to tear up.

"I love you, Finnick," is all she can say. Octavia would do whatever she could to ensure that Seeder wasn't going back into the arena, which meant that Octavia was.

A tear slips from his eye.

There was only one other male Victor from Four. He was around Chaff's age and he hardly ever leaves his home. He and Finnick had no connection, so if Finnick was reaped, the other man wouldn't volunteer.

"You can't volunteer, Finn. You have to promise me," she says, tears rolling down her cheeks as she looks up at him. His heart aches at the sight of her.

"I promise." It was a lie. He would volunteer if he gets the chance because he knows that Octavia would do anything she can to prevent Seeder from going back. If they're in the arena together, he can protect her until his end.

Octavia nods, wishing she believed him. A loud knock on the door shakes the two apart. Finnick walks toward the door. Before he can open it, it's kicked open.

Three peacekeepers enter the home. Finnick pushes Octavia behind him instantly.

"Octavia Cirillo, time to go," one of them says. Finnick shakes his head.

"No, no, we still have time."

"Change of pace this year, time to go."

Octavia puts a hand on Finnick's bicep to get his attention. He looks down at her. His green eyes begin to pop as a result of the redness surrounding them.

"No," he whispers with a cracking voice. Octavia inhales sharply, trying to keep her composure.

"It's okay. I love you," she tells him. Finnick places a kiss on her lips. It feels like a goodbye, as much as they try to convince themselves that it isn't.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now