vi. little star

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chapter six


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THE NEXT TWO DAYS OF TRAINING WENT BY QUICKLY FOR OCTAVIA. She had talked a bit to the girl from Four. She was nice, she was more than happy to work with Augustus and Octavia. The siblings discussed every possibility and risk of allying with the girl from Four. Following up a winner from Four, the girl may have been seeing how much fame he got and the siblings cannot risk being betrayed by someone who craves riches, but Octavia sees Layla as scared. Octavia would never abandon someone who she could help, that's who she was.

Octavia's mind traveled to her parents as she laid in bed. What did they think during the parade? What will they think tomorrow during the interviews? Rhea and Consus hadn't been able to say much since the Reaping. The Morrowson's had stopped by a few times, Thresh included. They brought what food they could spare, like the Cirillo's had done for them when Dimitri had been Reaped. To have one child die in the games is horrible, but two? The Cirillo parents had everything they'd built stripped away from them in minutes. Still, Consus would hold Rhea tight every night as they slept, as if they couldn't take her too if he held her tight enough.

In the morning, Octavia and Augustus still wake in the Capitol. Both of them still hoping every morning that they had a bad dream. Brandi is practically pushing them both into the showers as they awake. His chipper voice like nails on a chalkboard in the children's tired ears. They shower quickly, Octavia's hair is tightly curled when she steps out of the shower. She looks at her natural hair in the mirror, she usually had it left in braids that were her birthday present yearly. It made it easier to keep back when working. But now, she could look at it, she felt nice. She felt like her mother. She put on comfortable clothes from her many drawers and left the room. She is met with Brandi, Seeder, Chaff, Augustus, and a new face.

Not completely new, though, as everyone knows the face of the youngest Victor in Panem's history. Finnick Odair smiles at her. Octavia is incredibly confused, looking at Augustus and her mentors for an answer.

"Beautiful hair, might get in your way in the Games, huh?" His voice is smooth like butter, speaking to her like they were friends. It made Octavia's heart skip a beat. He is more beautiful in person than on TV. Like every other girl and many boys in Panem, Octavia had admired Finnick since his Games. He was handsome like he was crafted by angels.

"Finnick wanted to see you, both of you." Seeder tells her. Augustus stands by Octavia, nearly in front of her. Augustus squints his eyes while looking at Finnick, his comment about Octavia did not go over well with her older brother.

"Why?" Augustus quirks an eyebrow up, not understanding why last years Victor would want to talk with them.

"It's about my tribute, Layla. She says she's spoken with you both about allying. I want you to do it. Not only will it increase your chances of sponsors, but it will also increase your chances of winning." Finnick says, looking more at Octavia but facing toward Augustus. Augustus notices but chooses to ignore it, flirting is not something any of them have time for.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now