vii. commencement

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chapter seven


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THE DAY HAS COME. The day where Octavia and Augustus will enter the Arena. The day that begins the Sixty-Sixth Hunger Games. Octavia wakes completely distracted. She thinks about Finnick and what happened last night. Octavia doesn't want Finnick to forget her when she's dead, but he will. He has everything he could ever want in life, he's a Victor. The youngest one yet, the Capitol adores him. They shower him in love, riches, and praise. Octavia sees herself as a passerby in his life, who he did a good deed for. She'll never get to pay him back though, because she's walking to her death as we speak.

Octavia and Augustus have been escorted and seated on a hovercraft of sorts. They are seated beside each other, following the Ten tributes and followed by the Twelve tributes. Across the aisle, Layla looks at the two of them. She smiles to them slightly, with a nod. The siblings return the gesture, a confirmation that they are in agreement, they're together. A few Capitol attendants walk around inserting trackers into the tributes arms. Octavia holds her breath as the needle pierces the skin of her arm. She is also handed a pill that halts bodily functions, the females menstrual cycle, and the males facial hair growth. She swallows it with no water as the woman continues with the other tributes.

Octavia looks into her brothers eyes, he doesn't speak. He just lightly squeezes her hand and lets the corners of his lips pull upward. Octavia mouths the words "I love you" to her brother as the hovercraft takes off.


Lionia meets Octavia when she gets off of the hovercraft. Lionia laces her fingers with Octavia's tightly, hanging onto her for what felt like dear life. They make their way to her launch room with a set of clothes folded on a small stool, her necklace that Dimitri had given to her for her fourteenth birthday, and a clear tube on the back wall. Lionia gives her a moment alone to let her change.

"One minute."

She wears a black, one piece suit made of nylon and polyester. Underneath it, a tight but breathable black sports bra binds her chest and a long sleeved wicking shirt clings to her skin. She also wears a light weight coat with wool inside to keep her warm. Black boots lace up past her ankles with comfortable insoles, for running. Lionia enters and grabs Octavia's necklace, clipping it around her neck.

"Thirty seconds."

"Okay, dear. From the looks of it, it's going to be very cold. But I believe from what I've read, Eleven has a variety of seasons. It shouldn't be anything you aren't used to." Lionia says, trying to keep a brave face. She does this every year, Octavia knows that, but she also knows that time can't make something like this easier. Octavia sighs, turning around to face her stylist, her friend. She doesn't say anything, just pulls her into a tight hug. The women wrap their arms around each other for a few moments before a voice comes through the room saying,

"Ten seconds." Lionia urges Octavia into the tube.

"Good luck, Octavia. I believe in you."

"Goodbye, Lionia. May we meet again." A tear falls down Octavia's face as she speaks. She has never felt fear like this. The fear is in her core, in her chest, all throughout her body. Lionia places a hand on the glass and Octavia matches her movement. Lionia is holding back her tears. Octavia begins moving upward with the sound of a machine whirring.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now