xxii. what we answer

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chapter twenty-two


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ALL ANYONE COULD TALK ABOUT WAS KATNISS EVERDEEN. More specifically, her score of eleven. Scoring above the careers was rare, scoring equally to the careers gave Octavia and Augustus a huge target on their backs, she can't imagine the target Katniss will have.

To some extent, Octavia was glad that the girl got an eleven. At least with Katniss being the careers top priority, Thresh would have more time. It was selfish, yes, but Octavia wanted him to win.

With the tributes interviews with Caesar tonight, Octavia couldn't help but wonder about Lionia. The woman was still nowhere to be found, neither was her wife, Tigris.

Whispers of Tigris and President Snow's relationship circled. They were family, or so Octavia had heard. She couldn't imagine why Tigris would flee from her family, even someone as awful as President Snow.

If Octavia still had Augustus, she would stay with him until the world caved in.

Thresh and Rue had briefly discussed what they'd planned on telling Caesar. Rue said she'd talk to him about her speed. Thresh said he had nothing to say to Caesar. Octavia and Chaff shared a secret smile at the thought of Thresh not humoring Caesar, but it also meant he'd likely receive no sponsorships.

She and Chaff sat outside of where the tributes were being dressed. Octavia bounced her leg impatiently while Chaff swirled his liquor around the bottle.

"Well, well, well," a slurred voice sounds from behind them. Haymitch approaches, bottle in hand, grinning. Chaff hops up, laughing. Octavia smiles at him slightly. Chaff slurs out a hello as the two men laugh about god knows what.

"What about you?" Haymitch asks, looking at Octavia. Her eyes widen.

"Sorry, what?" She asks.

"Well, we were talking about Chaff and Seeder gettin' it on," Haymitch says, swinging his arms around dramatically. Octavia furrows her eyesbrows. Chaff shakes his head, telling her that it wasn't true.

"What does that have to do with me?" Octavia questions.

"Oh," he groans, "Come on, you and that totally humble fisherman," Haymitch sarcastically says. Octavia looks away from him, shaking her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Chaff whispers something to Haymitch, who looks at Octavia. He puts a hand on his chest and pouts, mocking sympathy. The girl ignores him.

Eventually, Thresh and Rue come out. Rue wears a blue dress with dark colored flats. Thresh wears a navy suit. Octavia can't help but smile at them.

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