xlvi. die all, die merrily

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chapter forty-six

AS THE GROUP MAKES THEIR WAY TO THE TREE, Panem's national anthem catches their attention

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AS THE GROUP MAKES THEIR WAY TO THE TREE, Panem's national anthem catches their attention. All of their heads turn to the sky.

First, Gloss and Cashmere appear. Octavia leans into Finnick, knowing that they will soon see both of their mentors for the final time.

Wiress appears. Beetee lifts his glasses, letting himself see her more clearly.

Then, Mags. Her delicate, wrinkled face makes Octavia's chest ache. Finnick squeezes her hand tightly, trying to keep himself together.

The woman from five was next, she must have died in the wave. Then, the woman from six, who had saved Peeta.

Johanna lets out a cold sigh as Blight appears.

Chaff's face appears. Octavia feels her gut twirl in guilt as she looks up at her friend. Finnick watches her from the corner of his eye.

They had to keep moving, though. There wasn't time to grieve. The group continues into the jungle.

When they reach the tree, Beetee notes the state of it as Octavia scans the area for any threats.

"Let's get started," Beetee says to the group. He goes on about the lightning and its energy, but Octavia doesn't particularly care for the specifics.

"Johanna and Katniss, go together, now. Take this," he hands Katniss the wire, "unspool it carefully. Make sure the entire coil is in the water, you understand?" He asks her. "Then head to the tree at the two o'clock sector. We'll meet you there."

"I'm gonna go with them as a guard," Peeta speaks up.

"No, no, no, you're staying here to protect me."

"No. I need to go with her," the boy firmly states.

"I'll go with them," Octavia chimes in, earning a look from Finnick.

"No," he shakes his head.

"There are two careers out there, I need the best fighters here, that means you, Octavia."

That doesn't mean Peeta, she thinks.

"Finnick and Octavia can protect you just fine on their own," Peeta argues. Octavia clenches her jaw.

"Why don't Peeta and I take the coil?" Katniss suggests.

"You all agreed to keep me alive until midnight, correct?" 

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