xvii. dangerous game

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chapter seventeen


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OCTAVIA'S REFLECTION HAD HER CAPTIVATED. Her different hair allowed her to feel a sense of freedom she had never felt before.  Lionia had certainly outdone herself and was loudly boasting about her talent. Octavia smiles lightly at her friend. She was more than grateful to have her. Octavia moves away from the mirror after a while, realizing that her absorption in herself may be more vain than she means it to be.

"What do you think President Snow will say?" Octavia asks, shutting down the joyful mood in the room quickly. Lionia gives her a sad smile.

"I don't know. Let's hope this isn't too defiant for him." Suddenly, Octavia's happiness is smothered by fear. Would she be punished for this? Lionia mentions that she has to go style this years tributes for their interviews tonight. She hugs Octavia tightly.

"I envy you, little star. You're amazing," Lionia says into her ear. Octavia exhales an almost laugh.

"Bye, Nia." Octavia opens the door for her and locks it behind the woman. She knew that Finnick would be busy today with all of his mentor duties, so she decides to begin packing up her apartment to go back home. Hopefully, for good this time. She thinks about what her and Finnick talked about the other night. Would he really teach her how to swim in Four? Would they visit each other? She hoped they would.

Octavia's feelings for Finnick had started as a small crush when he became a Victor, to an impossible longing when she was in the Games, to now. She wasn't sure what they were now, but she knew that she liked it. She liked talking to him, looking at him, and listening to him. She liked being around him. Maybe they understood each other more than she thought they would.

But, with her feelings came controversy. She knew that Finnick was the Capitol, more specifically President Snow's, pride possession. They adored him, and she doubted the President would ever relieve him of his unfortunate fate. There would be a number of problems if President Snow knew that they were—whatever they were. It sent shivers down her back to think about. The consequences of taking back her own body may cost more than she ever knew she had. A pounding on the door startles Octavia. What startles her more is the door immediately giving in to the pressure as two peacekeepers enter. Octavia jumps up from her spot. They try to grab the girls arms to contain her as she thrashes around in an attempt to break free. Luckily for her, keeping up her training paid off. She is able to get free from them, leaving the two men on the ground and running out of the doorway. She looks both ways before realizing she is surrounded.

"Ms. Cirillo." A cold, menacing voice echoes. Octavia freezes at the sound. She doesn't move, just stares into the cruel eyes of President Snow.

"I think we have some things to discuss."


𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now