v. pining

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chapter five

"THAT WAS AMAZING! YOU GUYS LOOK STUNNING!" Brandi's high pitched voice rings throughout the apartment

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"THAT WAS AMAZING! YOU GUYS LOOK STUNNING!" Brandi's high pitched voice rings throughout the apartment. Seeder and Chaff nod in agreement.

"He's right. You two did very well." Seeder says softly. Octavia knows that they are really talking about Augustus, but it's okay. She would let the world hate her if it meant he'd be alive. Augustus thanks them for the compliments.

"So, tomorrow you'll begin your training. Do either of you have any skills with weapons?" Seeder questions. Octavia looks at Augustus, knowing that she has no weaponry skill.

"I'm pretty strong, I've never really had to use any weapons. Neither of us have." Augustus says, looking down at his hands.

"Octavia?" Seeder asks, looking toward the girl.

"I don't know," she says honestly, "I'm pretty fast. I can cut down lots of crops at once." Octavia finishes, shrugging her shoulders. Seeder grins a little.

"That's how Chaff and I were, too. Neither of us had much experience fighting, that's why training is going to be very important for you two." The older woman glances at Chaff before looking back at the siblings. Chaff nods with a smile. He doesn't seem to want to discuss this. He doesn't talk much, probably because he doesn't want to relive his games. Octavia sees that his eyes are sad, but he masks it with a goofy smile and liquor scented breath.

"I think we'll be able to pick up quickly. We're both smart and strong. Cutting down crops can't be much different than cutting down people." Augustus says to the mentors.

"Children," Octavia corrects, "Cutting down children." Augustus sighs. His sister has a kind heart, but thinking about others through the Games will get them killed instantly.

"No. We cannot do that. We both feel sympathy for all of the tributes, but we have to be selfish. We have to think about ourselves, and about Mom and Dad. What about Thresh? You want him to watch both of us die too? Like he watched-" Augustus rants before being cut off.

"Don't." Octavia's voice sounds different now, cold. She doesn't want to hear his name, not in this way. Not talking about his death. Augustus breathes deeply, calming himself down.

"Octavia, I'm sorry. But we can't protect everyone, we have to put ourselves first this time. If we don't, we'll never be able to help anyone again." His voice is softer now, and Octavia knows that he's right. She just nods. The pair allow Seeder to walk them through how tomorrow will look. She and Chaff talk about what training will be like, where to start, and how to make allies. Chaff makes jokes about joining the Careers and killing them in their sleep, like he did in his games. Seeder scolds him for laughing about such things. They four go on like this for hours until it is time to sleep. Seeder and Augustus exit but Chaff hangs back for a minute.

"Hey," He says. This is the first time Octavia has really heard his voice except for his drunken mumbles.  Octavia turns to face him.

"I think that you have it." Octavia's brows pull together at the man's words. His drunkenness fades away as his face is serious. Octavia opens her mouth to speak but he cuts her off.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now