xxx. performances

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chapter thirty


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OCTAVIA WATCHED OFF STAGE AS CAESAR WELCOME'S FINNICK. Unsurprisingly, Finnick graces the audience with his knee-weakening smirk. The crowd grows louder with every second that passes. Finnick gives a wave out to the crowd and gives Caesar an awkward greeting.

"Oh, Finnick, it has been a long time since we've had you here! We've missed you, isn't that right folks?" Caesar beams, the crowds' reaction overwhelming the music. Finnick chuckles.

"Likewise, Caesar. And of course, to all of you," he says, looking out into the audience, still wearing the same smirk. Octavia gulps.

"So, Finnick, would you like to give us some information about this newfound love of yours?" Caesar asks with an eyebrow raised as the crowd awes.

"Well, Caesar, it's not exactly newfound. I've loved her ever since I met her, even if I didn't know it immediately." The crowd was awed, along with a few disappointed sighs from men who wished Finnick was with another man. Octavia certainly couldn't blame them.

"Shall we bring her out then, folks?" Caesar hollers out to the crowd, rising from his chair. The crowd follows and jumps out of their seats. Finnick also rises.

"Ladies and Gentlemen,"

Octavia suddenly has a pit in her stomach and a lump in her throat.

"Our little star," He begins, and the crowd goes crazy. Octavia can hardly hear Caesar over the screams.

"Octavia Cirillo!"

A hand on her back gently pushes her forward. She breathes deeply, walking out on the stage. The bright lights fill her sight as she tries to give a wave, walk, and look decent at the same time.

Finnick's smirk is replaced with a true smile as he goes to meet Octavia, taking her hand and kissing her on her cheek. Octavia fears that the audience members may burst a blood vessel as loud as they were screaming out.

When they reach Caesar, Octavia does her best to look excited to see him. She gives a bright smile, letting him kiss her other hand that wasn't intertwined in Finnick's. Caesar motions for the crowd to sit down. Finnick pulls Octavia close as they sit on the small couch adjacent to Caesar's chair.

"Octavia, my dear, you look wonderful!" Caesar exclaims. Octavia smiles.

"Thank you, Caesar," she says politely.

"Not too much now, Caesar," Finnick jokingly scolds. Octavia shakes her head, smiling. Caesar puts his hands up as if he's surrendering. The audience laughs.

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