xli. carnage

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chapter forty-one


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FINNICK HAD WOKEN UP FIRST. He watches Octavia as she sleeps peacefully, analyzing the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes. He stares as long as he can before he has to wake her, trying to be sure that he remembers the image while they are apart.

After a while, he has to wake her. He shakes her lightly and she wakes up quickly. For a moment when her eyes land on him, she thinks that she's home. When the realization comes to her, her eyes are overcome with sadness.

Finnick gives her a sad smile, watching as the light from her eyes dims.

"Don't go," she whispers, knowing that it wouldn't change what was happening. Finnick hesitates for a moment, deciding what to say.

"Before we know it, we'll be together again," he tells her, stroking her cheek carefully. She nods.

He leans down to her lips, kissing her gently. He pulls away after a few moments. They whisper their love to each other before he leaves.

Octavia gets herself up after he's gone, finding Chaff and Seeder in the kitchen. She knows that it may be her last time seeing them both together.

The two turn their heads to Octavia, who doesn't say anything. The silence was uncomfortable.

"You ready?" Chaff asks after a moment, looking at Octavia. She nods in response. Seeder's sadness radiates off of her, she begins sniffling.

"Seeder, please don't cry," Octavia says, stepping toward her.

"I'm so sorry, Octavia," she says through tears.

"I know, Seeder. I know," she says, but she won't tell her it's okay.

"We have to go," Chaff says. Octavia and Seeder both nod. Seeder pulls them both toward her into a hug.

"Good luck. I love you both," the woman says. When they break apart, Seeder wipes her tears. Octavia takes a deep breath.

"Bye, Seeder." Octavia and Chaff leave the apartment and head to the hovercraft, which would take them to separate tubes, which would then take them to the arena.

Chaff and Octavia don't speak on their way, because there was nothing to be said. In the next hour, they'd be in the arena together. Chaff gives her a nod as they arrive at their hovercrafts. Octavia looks at him for a moment, deciding to put her anger toward him aside. She pulls him into a quick hug.

"I'll see you in there," she says to him. He gives her a small smile. They share one last nod before parting ways. The next time Octavia saw either of the men she called family, it would be entirely different.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now