xxix. show don't tell

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chapter twenty-nine


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TWO DAYS HAD PASSED OF OCTAVIA AND FINNICK PEACEFULLY EXISTING IN ELEVEN. That peace hardly lasts, though. Caesar had made sure to build up anticipation with his viewers. His special last night was on replay in Octavia's mind as she sat on the train to the Capitol.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I just can't wait to tell you what we have for you tomorrow," his voice echoes across the crowd, who begins to cheer.

"I have for you, two Victor's, who have found love," the crowd awes, "not just any love, though, love with each other!" Caesar exclaims, and the crowd roars. Applause and cheers fill the room. Octavia was anxiety-ridden, bouncing her leg wildly. Finnick's large hand rests on her knee, hoping to calm her down at least a little bit.

"Octavia, it's going to be okay. I promise. We'll get there, we'll get dressed, we'll talk with Caesar, and then we'll go home," he tries to reassure her, but the fear in his voice says otherwise. Octavia bites her lip.

"What if we don't get to go home?" She asks, looking
up at him. He sighs.

"We will." Octavia doesn't respond but turns her head away to look out the window, chewing her bottom lip. He lets her look away for a few minutes, admiring her silently. After a few silent minutes, he grabs her chin, turning her head to face him. He kisses her softly at first. Octavia reciprocates, putting her hands around his neck.

Finnick pulls her off of her chair and on top of him, his hands resting on her hips. The kiss grows more passionate. Octavia's hands find Finnick's hair as he moves his kiss from her lips to her neck. He stands up from his chair effortlessly, lifting her like she weighs nothing.

He carries her into a separate room on the train: a bedroom. The door closes itself behind them, Finnick turns the lock, never once breaking the kiss. He gently lays Octavia's back on the bed, still kissing her lovingly.

"Finn," she whispers, breaking the kiss, "this can't be goodbye." He looks down at her for a moment, eyes soft and full of love. His hand pushes a hair away from her face tenderly.

"It isn't goodbye, love. I won't say goodbye to you until the day I die," he looks into her eyes. The seriousness in his voice lets her know that he means it. Octavia nods, pulling him back down to kiss her.

They don't rush anything. Each time is like the first time. Each touch is full of love and lust. Every kiss says a thousand "I love you". After nine years, after every life-changing event, after everything trying to keep them apart, their love remained.


The train was getting closer to the Capitol. Finnick and Octavia had to practically force themselves to get up out of the warmth and comfort of the bed. They'd been informed through the intercom that they'd have to go in through a private entrance, as they couldn't risk being seen by any Capitol citizens before the premier with Caesar.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now