viii. in plain sight

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chapter eight


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THE ALLIES HAD SETTLED IN A CAVE. They'd been hiking since they ran from the careers, the sun was now starting to set. The three are breathing heavily and their muscles are screaming at them. Octavia pulls her coat tightly around her body as she sits down on the ground of the cave.

"Are you guys okay?" She asks, her breath visible due to the cold. She looks at her brother, who hasn't said much since they're run in with the careers. Octavia thinks he has realized that he'll have to kill her eventually. In reality, Augustus has realized that he will not be going home ever again. He was able to fight Brox off for long enough, but he wouldn't be able to fight for himself and for his sister. Augustus' mind is set, he will fight and die by Octavia.

"I'm going to try to find water, I'll yell if I need help." Layla tells the two. Being from Four, she'd be able to manage in water if she needed to. The siblings nod, Augustus tells her to be careful. Octavia notices the look the two share, letting her eyes travel back and forth examining the scene in front of her. Layla leaves, Augustus sits down next to Octavia.

"You should eat." He hands her his bar from the backpack in his hand. She splits the bar in thirds, giving him and herself a third and leaving the other for Layla.

"What was that? With her?" Octavia asks him. Their eyes meet and Octavia is smiling slightly.

"I don't know. We talked last night. Her mentors weren't in her room when I went over there to discuss the plan for today." Augustus admits. Octavia already knew that Finnick wasn't there, she says nothing though.

"And?" She encourages him to continue, her voice drags out teasingly.

"I care about her, but I'm not an idiot. You're still my first priority, you're my sister. I'm not getting attached to anything." Augustus admits to his sister. It's the full truth, Octavia can tell. Augustus never could lie well. Octavia presses her lips together and nods understandingly.

"I'm sorry." She means it. She knows what it's like to want something she can't have. She doesn't have to tell him about Finnick, Augustus isn't blind. He knows his sister like the back of his hand and she loves that about him. She lays his head on his shoulder. Octavia shudders at the fact that anytime with her brother could be their last moment. He wraps his arm around her shoulders and squeezes her gently.

"I love you, big brother."

"I love you too, Octavia."


Layla had returned shortly after the siblings conversation. She had found a water source. Blood was fresh on her knuckles. Augustus shot up at the sight of her, examining her hand.

"What happened?" He demanded. He cradles her hand gently, his thumb glides over the blood. Octavia just watched the two.

"I, uh," Layla looks down and blushes, "I slipped. The rocks were wet." She says sheepishly, laughing lightly. Octavia giggles a little. For a moment, they were kids again. Laughing like they weren't in battle. Layla walks toward Octavia, pulling Augustus with her. Their hands are still attached. They sit in a circle, Layla passes Octavia the water. She twists the top and pulls it off. The bottle is still full.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now