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chapter fifty-three

BOGGS ESCORTED OCTAVIA AWAY FROM THE ROOM which she'd hardly had time to settle into

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BOGGS ESCORTED OCTAVIA AWAY FROM THE ROOM which she'd hardly had time to settle into. Finnick trailed behind for as long as he was allowed to but was eventually told he couldn't continue.

"She just got back," he protested, "she shouldn't be by herself yet—"

"She isn't by herself, Finnick. I'll be there," Boggs tells the man. Finnick clenches his jaw.

She shouldn't be without me. That's what he really means. As they approach a steel door, Boggs gives Finnick a warning look, telling him not to follow them.

Octavia turns to face him.

"It's okay. I'll be right back," she says softly, attempting a smile. He dimly lifts the corners of his lips, but the frustration in his eyes prevents it from becoming a smile.

The door opens with a creak. Boggs' hand hovers over Octavia's back to guide her through the doorframe.

As she enters, a woman with strikingly silver hair and pale, white skin greets her with a smile. The back of a man's head faces her.

"Ms. Cirillo, welcome to District Thirteen," the woman says, "I am President Coin. Of course, you're familiar with my friend, Plutarch Heavensby."

She gestures toward the man beside her, who turns around slowly—cautiously, perhaps.

He lets a smile creep onto his face, though Octavia's eyes darken at the sight of him.

"Octavia," he greets.

Suddenly, her mind flashes with haunting memories.

She sees the Arena in her mind.

She tastes the salt from the water from the beach.

She hears cannons booming.

She feels the rumble of the ground as the beast charges.

She feels Chaff's arm shoving her ahead, protecting her.

She sees him fall.

She feels him die.

She sees red.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" She exclaims, charging toward him. Boggs quickly grabs Octavia by her waist, preventing her from reaching Plutarch.

There is faint chatter around her as Octavia thrashes in Bogg's arms.

"You killed him! You killed him! Let go of me!" Octavia shouts wildly. Tears pour from her eyes as she is overcome with rage.

Coin demands her to calm down, though as far as Octavia is concerned—Coin doesn't control her.

Shocking to everyone, Boggs can't control her either. She breaks away from him, managing to get her hands on Plutarch. Though by the time she could lay a punch, Finnick had already broken through the door.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now