A/N - Done the Edits

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Hi, I'm Justice!

So I'm finally done editing A Warrior of Life which means no more cringey grammar mistakes (I think) and no more cringiness in general. I can't believe I started this book 3 years ago. I might be able to actually look back on this book and not just ignore it out of cringe. Speaking of this book...

As of right now (March 22nd 2023), this book is standing at 115K reads!! That is madness! I'm still so, so happy that you guys have enjoyed this book, and I hope you enjoy it more now that the grammar mistakes are gone.

Now, if I happen to post one more thing after this note, it will likely be the story y'all have probably been waiting for since the movie came out: Thor and Destiny's story continuation in Thor: Love and Thunder. I need to re-install Disney+ so I can watch the movie a few times, although I do look forward to writing more on Destiny's life as Queen as well as figuring out how Loki's gonna play a role. Either way though, I'm afraid it won't be coming anytime soon since I'm busy with school, work, and drawing. That stuff alone is very hard to juggle, let alone writing a whole Wattpad book.

That being said, if you've made it this far, thanks for reading (or re-reading if you happen to be doing that) and supporting A Warrior of Life! It means a lot to me! With that, stick around for anymore content as well as any announcements regarding Destiny's next appearance!


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