Chapter 13- Dark Elves

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Warnings: None.

2013, Asgard.

No one's POV:

As Destiny turned the corner, noticing her mother along with Thor and Jane, the prison alarms began to go off. Frigga sent Thor down to the dungeons, where he saw his sister walking away as well.

"Where's your girlfriend?" She asked him.

"She's with Mother." Thor answered.

Destiny shrugged and glanced up at one of the balconies. She flew up to the balcony, where stood a couple guards.

"Princess..." One of them said nervously.

It was then that Destiny noticed the swarm of ships speeding past the observatory. And she knew exactly what they were here for.

"Get a guard on all of the canons. Every one of them. They're after the Aether; they cannot reach the palace." She ordered. "On my signal, I want every canon to open fire."

The guards nodded. One by one, guards made their way to the canons on the palace. Destiny waited a little longer before confirming to herself that all the canons were occupied. She turned back to the invading ships, lifted her staff, and blasted one of the ships, blowing it up along with a few others. As the canons began to fire rapidly, the shield began to form quickly. Destiny rose to a higher part of the palace to continue firing, when the shield suddenly stopped working, and one of the ships crash landed into the palace. While the canons finished off the rest of the incoming ships, Destiny bolted after the Dark Elves, only to find her father, her brother, and her mother, who was dead on the ground.


The funeral for her mother was held later that evening, all the Asgardians were gather around and the boat holding her mother sailed away, towards the edge of Asgard. A flaming arrow was shot into the boat as it floated away. As the boat was about to tip over the edge, Frigga's body faded into orange dust.

"She's gone... she's really gone." Destiny muttered.


The next morning, she and Thor approached Fandral, Volstagg and a few guards, who were accompanied by Jane. Fandral turned to Odin.

"We are unable to restore the palace shield. Our artillery can't detect them, even Heimdall cannot see them. We are defenceless." He stated.

"She's your prisoner now?" Thor asked them, referring to Jane.

Destiny turned to the guards and soldiers.

"Leave us." She ordered.

They left her, Thor and Odin alone.

"I do not wish to fight with you." Odin said to Thor.

"Nor I with you. But I intend to pursue Malekith." Thor replied.

"We possess the Aether. Malekith will come to us." Odin stated.

"Yes, and you will destroy us." Thor argued.

"You overestimate the power of these creatures." Odin argued back.

"No, I value our people's lives. I'll take Jane to the Dark World and draw the enemy away from Asgard. When Malekith pulls the Aether from Jane it will be exposed vulnerable, and I will destroy it and him." Thor explained.

"If you fail, you risk bringing this weapon into the hands of our enemies." Their father said.

"I agree with Thor. The risk is far greater if we do nothing. For all we know, they could be right above our heads." Destiny finally stepped in.

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