Chapter 12- Aether

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Warnings: None.

2013, Asgard.

Destiny's POV:

I eventually landed at the observatory, where I saw Heimdall guarding, as always.

"Hello Heimdall." I said.

Heimdall said nothing but gave me a nod and turned his head slightly to let me know he was aware of my presence.

"What happened with the Bifrost?" I asked.

Without answering, Heimdall flipped the control panel, and the Bifrost reactivated, and Thor landed with another woman. Specifically, Jane Foster, the mortal that Thor had talked a lot about since the day he had been banished from Asgard two years ago.

"We have to do that again!" She exclaimed excitedly.

She turned and saw Heimdall, while I said nothing and remained near the entrance/exit of the observatory.

"Welcome to Asgard." The Gatekeeper welcomed the mortal.

Thor and Jane walked towards the exit when Thor spotted me, leaning against the doorway, smiling.

"Woah... you're the queen... I'm guessing?" Jane asked me, more shocked than anything.

"Princess, actually." I corrected her.

"Well um... hello.. Princess.. I.." Jane mumbled nervously.

"Destiny." I interrupted.

Jane looked at me confused, while Thor smiled.

"Destiny, Princess of Asgard, Goddess of Life." I explained.

"And my sister." Thor added as I turned to him.

I nodded and turned back to Jane.

"I've heard a lot about you Jane." I told her.

"Well, Princess... I..." Jane began.

"Destiny. You could call me Destiny." I interrupted her again. "Only the guards really call me 'Princess' anyway."

"Sister, she is ill. Something is inside her." Thor said with all seriousness.

"Well I don't know why we're just standing around here. We should get her to the nurses. They could probably help her." I said.

Thor picked up the girl and flew to the palace, as I followed not too far behind. When we got to the room, Jane laid down on a table while Eir, an Asgardian Nurse, examined her.

"What's that?" Jane asked curiously.

"Be still." Eir ordered.

"Is this a quantum field generator?" She asked.

"It's a soul forge." Eir answered.

"Does a soul forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?" Jane asked.

Eir looked at Jane, impressed, just as I did.

"Yes." The nurse answered.

Jane turned to my brother.

"It's a quantum field generator." She whispered.

Thor smiled.

"My words were mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?" My father asked, walking into the room.

It was obvious that he was not pleased about Thor bringing in his mortal girlfriend.

"She's ill." Thor argued.

"She's mortal. Illness is their defining trait." My father said.

"I brought her here because we can help her." Thor said.

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