Chapter 40- Restarting the Forge

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Warnings: None.

2018, Nidavellir.

Destiny's POV:

"It's a bit much." Rocket commented after hearing the names.

"So how do we make it?" Thor asked, referring to Stormbreaker.

"You have to restart the forge, awaken the heart of a dying star." Eitri said.

Thor and I looked at each other and nodded, with a plan.

"Rabbit, fire up the pod." I said.

Rocket ran to the pod and flew to towards us, as I ran and grabbed a few ropes from a crate. Rocket brought me and Thor to one of the outside rings, where I attached the ropes to the back of the pod.

"I don't think you guys get the scientifics here. These rings are gigantic. You wanna get them moving, you're gonna need something a lot bigger to yank 'em loose." Rocket explained.

"Leave that to us." Thor said.

"Leave that to you? Buddy, you're in space. All you got is a rope and a—"

Before Rocket could finish, Thor tanked one of the ropes and spun the pod around in a circle, gaining momentum.

"Fire the engines!" I shouted.

Rocket accelerated as I grabbed hold of the other ropes and we got dragged across the rings. We dug our feet through the metal, stopping at an edge. Perfect.

"More... power... rabbit!!" I yelled out.

Rocket accelerated even more and the rings began to spin. The light of the star was shooting out towards the metal. Everything was working. We grabbed onto the outside window and watched the action in astonishment.

"That's Nidavellir." Thor said.

We flew back towards Eitri.

"Dammit." He then muttered.

"'Dammit'? What's 'Dammit'?" Rocket questioned.

"The mechanism is crippled." Eitri said.

"What?" Thor asked.

"Without the iris, I can't heat the metal." Eitri explained.

"How long will it take to heat it?" Thor asked.

"A few minutes, maybe more." Eitri said. "Why?"

"I'm going to hold it open." He explained.

"Thor, no. You can't." I said, turning to him.

"She's right. That's suicide." Eitri added.

"So is facing Thanos without that axe." Thor countered as he jumped from the pod to the ground.

"Thor, I can't let you do that. I can't lose you too." I said.

"Sister, there isn't another way to do it." Thor argued. "I will be okay."

"No. You'll die, Thor." I argued back. "Let me do it."

Thor and I looked at each other and argued a little more before Thor gave me a small nod, convinced. I nodded back before setting Lightbringer down in a crate to keep it safe before I headed over to the mechanism where the star was.

No one's POV:

Destiny knew this was dangerous and she knew there was a likely chance she would die, doing this, but Thor was all she had now, and she couldn't bare to lose him too.

"Allfathers, give me strength." She prayed under her breath.

"Remember, you're about to take the full force of a star. It will kill you." Eitri warned her again.

"Only if I die." She responded, still ready to do this.

"Yes... that's what... 'killing you' means." Eitri said.

Destiny grabbed the two levers, took another deep breath and pulled them towards her. She could feel the blazing heat on her backside and she held the levers down with all the strength she had and closed her eyes from the intense light.

"Hold it! Hold it, Destiny!" Eitri shouted.

Destiny tried to heal her burns simultaneously, but it wasn't working, and she could feel the energy burn away from her body every second. She passed out the moment Eitri was able to tip over the pot of molten metal, and she was carried across the space back to the forge, where she bounced off a structure and landed on the ground unconscious.

"Destiny! Say something." Rocket said, kneeling down next to the Goddess.

"Come on, Destiny. Are you okay?" Thor said, also kneeling down.

Destiny's body was extremely charred, and she wasn't waking up; she was barely breathing.

"I think she's dying." Rocket told Eitri.

"She needs her staff! Eitri exclaimed as her threw the Stormbreaker mold on the ground and punch it a couple times, freeing the fragments.

Thor stood up and opened several crates, not remembering which one Destiny had put her new staff in.

"Where's the handle?!" Eitri questioned as he was unable to find the handle for Stormbreaker. "Tree, help me find the handle!"

Groot looked at the two pieces of Stormbreaker, then looked at Destiny, who was still unconscious on the ground, and them looked at Thor, who was still hastily looking for Lightbringer. He looked back at the pieces with determination and extended his fingers, wrapping them around the pieces, wincing from the burning pain, and slamming the axe together. He lifted the axe in the air and chopped his extended arm off with a mighty cry, creating a handle for Stormbreaker. In that same moment, Thor was able to find Lightbringer and threw the case down next to Destiny. Light began to shine between the Goddess' fingers while sparks of lightning flashed between Thor's, as Stormbreaker flew into his hand. Lightbringer levitated our of the case it was in and eventually flew to Destiny's hand, and the Goddess squeezed her fist shut around the staff and opened up her eyes, slowly sitting up. Thor quickly helped the Goddess back to her feet and wrapped his arms around her, happy that she survived. Rocket and Groot approached the siblings as Destiny grasped Lightbringer tightly.

"Shall we?" She asked her brother.

Thor smiled and nodded, and the two raised their weapons into the air, and just like Eitri had said, the light of the Bifrost soared down onto the four of them and they were sucked through.

Their destination? Earth.

A/N: Sorry this one took a lot longer than expected. I've actually been doing an online summer course since last week and it has been a pain to deal with because of how fast paced it is so hopefully once I get through that nightmare, I will update again.

A/N: I normally don't change things like when Thor nearly died on Nidavellir but I felt that this was a moment to really thought would prove Destiny's strength if you know what I mean by that.

A/N: I forgot to say this a few chapters ago but HOLY FRICK THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 3K READS!!!

A/N: Anyway yeah that's all from me and I'll see you all later. Peace!

A/N 03/20/2023: Editing a chapter during class cuz class is boring :D

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