Chapter 14- Off World

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Warnings: None.

2013, Asgard.

Destiny's POV:

We eventually met up with Sif and Jane, whose eyes both immediately caught Loki as he walked alongside us.

"You're..." Jane spoke as she saw Loki.

"I'm Loki. You may have heard..."

Loki did not have time to finish his sentence before Jane approached and slapped him in the face. I held back a chuckle.

"That was for New York." Jane said.

"I like her." Loki said, smiling.

We suddenly heard guards approaching quickly.

"I'll hold them off." Sif said.

"Thank you Sif." I said.

Thor and I took Jane through the palace, Loki following behind. We eventually found Malekith's ship still crashed into the palace; our way out of here, as well as Volstagg.

"I will give you as much time as I can." He told us.

"Thank you." I said.

Thor carried Jane onto the ship. I dragged Loki onto the ship as Thor began pressing buttons.

"I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing." Loki said.

"I might have to agree." I added.

"I said 'how hard could it be'." Thor corrected us.

"Well whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster." Loki stated.

"Shut up Loki." Thor ordered, annoyed, as he continued to press buttons.

"You must have missed something." Loki said.

"No I didn't I'm pressing every button on this thing." Thor replied.

"Well don't hit it. Just press it gently."

"I am pressing it gently it's not working."

As my brothers began to argue, I approached the button and levers and I pressed one button. One random button got the ship started.

"Well, it's seems like Destiny is better with these ships than you are brother." Loki commented.

"Loki, now is not the time." I said.

Thor quickly turned the ship around, smashing every column. Except for one apparently after Loki made another stupid comment.

"I think you missed a column."

"Shut up!" Thor exclaimed again.

"Look, why don't you let me take over. I'm clearly the better pilot." Loki said.

"Is that so? Out of the three of us, which one could actually fly?" Thor asked.

"Not to bum you out but technically the answer is both you and me Thor." I said.

Thor glared at me as we flew over Asgard, when Jane suddenly collapsed.

"Oh dear. Is she dead?" Loki asked.

"Jane." Thor called out.

"I'm okay." The woman said weakly.

I approached her and grabbed her arm, closing my eyes. It seemed the Aether was getting stronger or something.

"I don't know how much time we have left." I said.

Thor continued to pilot the ship without replying, accidentally knocking down part of a building.

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