Chapter 15- The Convergence (Part 1)

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Warnings: None.

2013, Svartalfheim.

No one's POV:

As Malekith appeared, looking for the Aether, Thor turned to Jane.

"Alright, are you ready?" He asked her.

The woman nodded and the three Asgardians plus Jane stood up, awaiting Malekith.

"I am." Loki also declared.

Destiny nodded in agreement as Loki turned back to the Dark Elf.

"You know this plan of yours is going to get us killed." He said.

"Yeah, possibly." Destiny said.

Loki turned to Thor and held up his cuffed hands.

"You still don't trust me?" He asked.

"Would you?" Destiny asked as Thor removed Loki's cuffs.

"No, I wouldn't." Loki answered.

Before Destiny and Thor were able to react, Loki suddenly pulled out a dagger and stabbed Thor, then shoving him off the hill.

"Thor, no!" Jane and Destiny shouted simultaneously.

Loki turned around and stabbed Destiny as well, pushing her off the hill before descending down to where Thor was. Thor attempted to summon Mjolnir but Loki cut his arm off, preventing him from doing anything. Destiny reached for her staff but Loki threw a dagger at her, which pierced right through her arm and left her in pain as well. He proceeded to grab Jane and bring her to Malekith.

"Malekith, I am Loki of Jotunheim and I bring you a gift! I ask only one thing in return, a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn." He said.

The Dark Elves talked amongst each other in a language that Destiny could more or less comprehend. Malekith approached Thor and kicked him over so he could watch as the Dark Elf leader lifted Jane in the air and extracted the Aether from her.

"Loki, now!" Thor shouted.

Loki used his magic to reveal that Thor's arm was never gone and the blade inside Destiny was never there. Thor grabbed Mjolnir and blasted lightning at the Aether and Destiny grabbed her staff, blasting as much light as she could. Destiny's light and Thor's lightning was not enough to destroy the Aether as Malekith was still able to absorb it, before he left for his ship, sending several Dark Elves to try and kill the Gods and Goddess. Destiny managed to take down the Dark Elves with easy when she turned and suddenly saw Loki nearly get sucked into a vortex. Without hesitating, she dove to her brother's rescue, shoving him out of the vortex. The large Dark Elf from before showed up but before he could lay a finger on Destiny, Loki skewed him from behind, but the Dark Elf turned to him and pulled Loki into the blade.

"LOKI!!!" Destiny shouted.

Attached to the blade was one of the vortex devices used by the Dark Elves. The impaled Dark Elf was quickly destroyed by it and Thor rushed to Loki, Destiny close behind.

"No no no no! Oh you fool, you didn't listen!" Thor exclaimed.

"I know. I'm a fool. I'm a fool." Loki said weakly.

"Stay with us Loki." Destiny pleaded.

She had already lost her mother, she did not want to lose her brother as well.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Loki apologized repeatedly.

"It's okay. We'll tell Father what you did." Thor promised.

"I didn't do it for him." Loki uttered out.

Loki's eyes closed as he remained there, dead.

"No!" Thor cried out once more.

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