Chapter 43- New Asgard's Queen

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Warnings: None.

Five Years Later

This font=flashback

2023, New Asgard.

No one's POV:

It had been five years since Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped out half of existence before Tony Stark had figured out a way to travel back in time to get the Infinity Stones to the present. Professor Hulk (Bruce) and Rocket drove to New Asgard to get Thor and Destiny. After convincing Thor to come along (which took much longer than anticipated), Bruce and Rocket walked towards the palace, where they had been told Destiny was. The guards outside the palace raised their weapons at the two.

"Let them in." Valkyrie intervened, approaching the guards. "Believe me, she'll be happy to see them."

The guards escorted Bruce and Rocket through the palace to see Destiny.

Destiny's POV:

I walked down the hallways in the large golden palace as I made my way to my father's bedroom, where my father had requested my presence. The guards opened the door and I walked into the room. My father was staring out the window.

"Leave us." He ordered, as the guards left the room and closed the door.

"Father, if this is about me and the throne, then I'm afraid that I have already told you that I can't..." I began.

"Why is that?" He interrupted me.

He turned to look at me as I thought of something to say.

"It's just..." I started, thinking for a little bit as I shook my head slightly. "I was born to be a warrior, not a queen."

My father smiled and sat on his bed, and indicated for me to do the same. So I did. Once I sat down, he placed a hand on my shoulder, making me turn to him.

"You may not know it, but someday, you, my daughter, will grow to be a strong and wise queen. A queen who will rule over Asgard and it's people." He said.

I couldn't find words to reply.

"Think about those words every time you say that you're not ready." My father added.

I stood up, and turned to my father, giving him a small nod, before leaving his room and returning to my own, where I indeed thought about what he had said.

Here I was, sitting on the throne of New Asgard, as I did while ruling over this new kingdom for the past five years after Thanos' decimation. My father was right. It was a choice I did not really have but I took it for the remaining Asgardians who were left.

"'Someday, you, my daughter, will grow to be a strong and wise queen. A queen who will rule over Asgard and it's people'." I mumbled, repeating the words my father had once said to me a long time ago.

"Your highness?" A voice called out, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked up and saw a couple guards from outside, with two people standing behind them... Bruce and Rocket. I looked at the scene in shock before snapping back into reality.

"Leave us." I ordered, remembering my father saying those words when he was king.

All of the guards left until it was only me, Bruce, and Rocket.

"So, Queen, huh? You must have been doing a great job keeping everything under control for the past five years." Bruce remarked.

I smiled and nodded.

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