Chapter 41- Wakanda

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Warnings: None

2018, Earth.

No one's POV:

The remaining Avengers and Wakandans began to struggle against the army of Outriders that they were fighting when a large, bright light slammed down on the ground and an axe came flying out of it. Cracks of light lit up in the ground underneath the Outriders, turning into spike that emerged. Both of these things killed several Outriders. A few seconds went by before the light disappeared, revealing none other than Thor, Destiny, Rocket and Groot.

"You guys are so screwed now!!" Bruce laughed as the Hulkbuster helmet opened up.

"Bring us Thanos!!!" Thor shouted angrily.

The Asgardian siblings and the two guardians charged forward. Destiny launched herself into the air before shoving her staff to ground, and that combined with the intense lightning storm coming from Thor killed several more Outriders from everywhere. Everyone continued to fight alongside them. Destiny blasted Outriders everywhere before eventually finding herself next to Natasha.

"New staff?" Natasha remarked.

Destiny nodded, grasping Lightbringer tightly in her hand.

"New haircut?" She then remarked as well.

Natasha smiled.

"Good to see you again."

Destiny nodded before going back to battle, still slaying Outriders left, right and center.

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here!" Sam Wilson exclaimed upon seeing Vision diving out of the window of a building.

"Somebody get to Vision." Steve ordered.

"I got him!" Bruce said before making a beeline for the robot.

Destiny took off into the air, flying outside the massive dome towards the Outriders ships, that after some time, began to retreat. But the Goddess, as well as her brother, were having none of that and continued to blow the ships to pieces. It did not take long for Destiny to finish up and land on the ground, taking a breather. Thor landed next to her.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

Destiny nodded and sighed with satisfaction, before seeing an explosion of yellow light in the trees. The mind stone. Thor was ready to leap back into the air but Destiny stopped him. Something was different. She didn't feel anything out of that explosion like she normally would. Well, she did, but the pain was very minimal and went away very quickly. She looked over at Thor, who was staring at the trees, confused, turning to her confused after. They heard more noises coming from the woods and saw another explosion of yellow light. But this time, is seemed like the explosion was in reverse.

"That's not right..." Destiny muttered.

A few seconds went by before the Goddess' throat began to feel clogged up, and she could feel an immense amount of pain in her forehead, exactly where the mind stone would be inside of Vision's head. This new and even more intense pain went on for about 5 seconds before going away quickly, and Destiny lost her footing slightly and nearly fell, catching herself with Lightbringer.

"Vision..." Destiny whispered to herself.

She felt the power surge through her as she took off and flew straight towards the forest, the Thanos himself, with a completed gauntlet, as well as a grey, lifeless Vision on the ground next to the Titan. Destiny didn't hesitate to fire as large of a beam of light as she could with as much power as she could, pushing Thanos backwards. Thor appeared behind the Goddess and he hurled Strombreaker towards Thanos, who failed to block the incoming weapon with his gauntlet and the axe pierced him right through the chest. The two Asgardians landed in front of Thanos.

"We told you... you'd die for that." Destiny said angrily.

"You should have... you..." Thanos uttered out weakly.

Destiny stared the Titan down, her eyes glowing a reddish-orange.

"You should have gone for the head." Thanos then said before lifting his gauntlet up.

"NO!" The Asgardians shouted.

But it was too late; before either of them could do anything about it, Thanos snapped his fingers, and a bright light emerged from the stones. When everything seemed normal and Destiny could see again, the gauntlet was completely burnt up.

"What did you do?" The Goddess questioned.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Thor repeated after Destiny didn't get an answer.

Thanos said nothing before he used the space stone to get away, leaving Stormbreaker to drop onto the ground covered in dark purple blood. Steve then stumbled towards the scene.

"Where is he?" He asked. "Thor, Destiny, where is he?"

"Steve?" Bucky Barnes interjected nervously.

Everyone turned to him only to watch him tumble down the the ground and turn into nothing but dust. Everyone watched as many Avengers including Black Panther, Falcon, Groot and Scarlet Witch, all turned to dust.

"What is this? What is happening?" Rhodey questioned.

"Oh god..." Steve muttered.

A/N: So I have been very distracted with a bunch of things lately but I'm back now so that's good.

A/N: I don't know what hurt more. Writing about the end of Infinity War or writing about Loki's death.

A/N: Do people actually read these or am I just wasting time?

A/N: I'm running out of things to talk about here so I hope you liked this chapter and I see you later. Bye!

A/N: Also sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than usual.

A/N: No edits here. We moving on to Endgame yay!

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