Chapter 10- The Return to Asgard

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Warnings: Might be kind of short. Like, very short.

2012, Earth.

Destiny's POV:

Tony handcuffed Loki for what he had done and I put a muzzling device on his mouth, preventing him from speaking. Tony turned to me, and I nodded, attaching Loki to one of the pillars. Me, Tony, Thor, Steve, Natasha, Clint and Bruce, we all made our way to the Shawarma joint that Tony had been talking about. We all sat in the building, which was still a mess from the attack.

"This 'Shawarma' is very tasty." I muttered while chowing down on the food.


We returned to the tower and I found Loki, still tied to the pillar. I grabbed the closest object to me and threw it at Loki, hitting him in the head. Loki, unable to speak, glared at me angrily.

"Just has to make sure you were the real one." I said as I untied him from the pillar.

Thor and I dragged Loki down to the main floor and outside the tower. Bruce opened up the briefcase containing the Tesseract and took it out, placing it in a glass tube before handing it to Thor. My brother and I grabbed one end and Loki grabbed the other end reluctantly. And just like that, the cube transported us back home; on Asgard.


Upon arriving on Asgard, the first thing I noticed was that the bridge had been somewhat repaired along with the observatory and thus, the Bifrost. Two guards approached us from the bridge. I removed the muzzle from Loki's mouth and shoved him towards the guards.

"Take him to the throne room. Our father will want to speak to him." I ordered.

The guards nodded and began to walk away, when Thor suddenly tapped on my shoulder. I turned to him and saw the glass tube holding the Tesseract. I looked back towards the guards.

"One more thing..." I began.

I took the tube from my brother and gave it to one of the guards.

"Bring this down to the vault, where it belongs." I ordered.

"Yes, Princess." The guard replied, taking the tube.

The two guards walked away and Thor made his way to me.

"That took way longer than it should have." I mumbled.

"At least we accomplished what we had to do." Thor said.

"Yeah... at least we did." I repeated.

Thor and I shared a high-five and flew to the palace. I soared straight towards my bedroom, using my powers to open the window before landing inside. I closed the window before changing into something more comfortable and climbing into bed and dozing off.

A/N: I'm calling this a chapter, even though it's less than 500 words long, and normally my chapters are about 1000 words.

A/N: It is only now that I realize that I have been literally forgetting to put up warnings. Oops.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed, stick around, see ya!

A/N 02/12/2023: Just a bit of punctuation fixing for this chapter.

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