Chapter 9- New York

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2012, Earth.

No one's POV:

Destiny and Thor continued to get knocked around the glass cell falling towards the ground. Hastily, the Goddess pulled out her staff and continuously attempted to pierce through the glass, which didn't work out well because of her getting knocked everywhere. As land approached, Thor grabbed his sister's wrist and swung at the glass, breaking the two out of the cell before it could crash into the meadow.

"This is why I shouldn't be queen of Asgard. I can't think fast like that." Destiny said.

Thor chuckled and helped Destiny up before the two wandered through the meadow, looking for Mjolnir, which they were eventually successful of doing.

"Let's go." Destiny said.

The siblings flew away, towards New York, where, on top of the massive Stark Tower, the Tesseract had already opened a portal. Millions of Chitauri aliens began emerging. The two landed on the tower, where they found Loki.

"Loki, turn off the Tesseract or we'll destroy it!" Thor ordered.

"You can't. There is no stopping it. There's only the war." Loki stated.

Thor and Destiny glanced at each other, then back to Loki.

"So be it." Destiny said.

The three siblings engaged in battle, Loki battling Thor, then Destiny, then Thor again. While Thor was distracting Loki, Destiny went towards the Tesseract and found Selvig.

"Move out of the way Selvig." She ordered.

"There's no way to destroy the Tesseract." He replied, following her order either way.

Destiny ignored him and ran towards the force field. She pointed the sharp end of her staff at the sphere around the Tesseract, ready to pierce through it, but the power of the Tesseract sent her flying off the tower upon her  staff making contact with it. She quickly flew back onto the tower, charging a blast of energy.

"Thor!" She shouted.

Thor moved away from his brother and Destiny shot the beam, which Loki easily blocked. Destiny jumped down and fought Loki the same way Thor had. She noticed Thor approaching the higher level of the tower, where the Tesseract was located.

"Thor, don't bother with the Tesseract! I've already tried!" She shouted.

Thor listened to his sister for once and ran behind Loki as Destiny backed away and charged another beam. Loki saw Thor coming and Destiny about to attack and quickly ducked down, causing Thor to miss and Destiny to accidentally shoot him, sending him flying back. Dodging Loki's attacks, Destiny ran to Thor and helped him up.

"Sorry about that." She apologized.

"Don't worry about it." Thor answered with a smile.

Destiny turned behind her and swung at Loki, knocking him backwards. Loki proceeded to fire his own energy beam from his scepter, sending both Thor and Destiny across the floor. Destiny and Thor looked up, seeing a giant Chitauri Leviathan flying through the portal as well as several other troops. Destiny's eyes quickly began to glow yellow as she looked back into Loki's eyes, which also began to glow. Thor, holding his head, approached the edge so he could see the damage he had been doing.

"Look at this! Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?!" Destiny asked angrily.

"It's too late. It's too late to stop it." Loki answered.

"No. We can. Together." Thor said.

Loki turned to his brother, giving Thor hope, until he suddenly pulled out a knife and stabbed him.

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