Chapter 33- Commodore

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Warnings: None.

2017, Sakaar.

Destiny's POV:

I turned to Loki while he was unlocking the door for us.

"Hey, so listen, we should talk." I said.

Loki turned to me, then to Thor, who had the same idea.

"I disagree. Open communication has never been our family's forte." He remarked.

"You have no idea. We've had quite the revelation since we spoke last." I shrugged.

The door opened up and we all pulled out these heavy tech laser guns as we entered the room.

"Hello." Thor and I said.

"Hi." Loki replied, even though we weren't really talking to him, and we began to fire.

We blasted all of the guards and went across the room to another door, and Loki began doing his thing.

"Odin brought us together, it's almost poetic that his death should split us apart. We might as well be strangers now. 'Two sons and one daughter of the crown' set adrift." He said.

A guard attempted to ambush Loki and attack him from behind, but Thor knocked him out before he could reach our brother.

"I thought you didn't want to talk about it." Thor remarked.

The door opened to reveal an elevator and we all stepped inside as it began to go up.

"Here's the thing. I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar." Loki stated.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." Thor piped up.

Loki paused for a moment, acknowledging and processing Thor's words.

"Did you just agree with me?" He questioned.

"This place is perfect for you. It's savage, chaotic, lawless. Brother, you'll do great here." Thor went on.

I said nothing and noticed how hurt Loki seemed by this.

"Do you guys truly think that little of me?" He asked.

"Loki, we thought the world of you. I thought we were all gonna fight side by side forever." I interjected. "But at the end of the day, you're you and we're us."

"I don't know... maybe there's still good in you, but let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago." Thor added.

I could tell that Loki was wounded by this, and I felt bad for him.

"It's probably for the best that we never see each other again." He said, covering up how he was actually feeling.

Thor reached out and pat Loki on the back, as I did the same.

"That's what you always wanted." Thor added.

There was silence, no one was saying anything.

"Hey, let's do 'Get Help'." Thor suggested.

I looked at Thor, confused.

"What?" Loki asked.

"'Get Help'." Thor repeated.

"No." Loki declined quickly.

"Come on, you love it." Thor insisted.

"I hate it." Loki argued.

"It's great. It works every time." Thor said.

"It's humiliating." Loki countered.

"Do either of you have a better plan?" Thor asked us.

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