Chapter 3- Jotunheim

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2011, Asgard.

Destiny's POV:

"We must first find a way to get past Heimdall." My brother stated.

"That will not be an easy task. It's said that the Gatekeeper can see a single few drop from a blade of grass a thousand worlds away." Volstagg said.

"And he can hear a cricket passing gas in Niffelheim." Fandral added.

"I can't believe that's where your mind goes Fandral." I muttered, holding my staff in my hand.

"Jest not! He heareth all!" Volstagg exclaimed.

"Please. Getting past him should be simple enough now, since he seems to be letting Frost Giants sneak by under his nose." Fandral rambled.

"Forgive him! He meaneth no offense!" Volstagg called out to the sky.

"Will you two can it before we get spotted?!" I asked.

We climbed up on our horses and rode down the rainbow path leading to Heimdall's observatory.

"Keep your weapons seathed and your mouths closed. This is going to take subtlety and sincerity not brute strength. Leave it to me." Loki ordered as he dismounted his horse and approached the Gatekeeper standing before us.

I had known Heimdall for the longest time and I did not believe that Loki would be able to convince him to let us by. But I was unable to stop him as he approached.

"Good Heimdall. I..." Loki began.

"You're not dressed warm enough." Heimdall interrupted.

I held back a chuckle.

"I'm sorry?" Loki asked.

"The freezing cold of Jotunheim. It will kill you all in time, even Thor and Destiny." He stated. "You think you can deceive me? I, who can sense the flapping of a butterfly's wings?"

He turned to Fandral.

"Or can hear a cricket passing gas in Niffelheim?" He asked.

"That was just a bit of a jest, really." Fandral said.

Loki turned back to the Gatekeeper.

"You must be mistaken. We're not..."

"Enough." I ordered as Thor stepped off his horse.

"Heimdall, may we pass?" My brother requested.

"For ages have I guarded Asgard and kept it safe from those who would do it harm. In all that time, never has an enemy slipped by my          watch... until this day. I wish to know how that happened." He said.

"Then tell no one where we've gone until we've returned." Thor said.

We all walked past Heimdall, into the observatory.

"Be warned. I will honor my sworn oath to protect this realm as its Gatekeeper. If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, Bifrost will remain closed to you. You'll be left to die in the cold wastes of Jotunheim." Heimdall advised us.

"We have no plans to die today." I said.

"None do." The Gatekeeper replied.

Heimdall plunged his sword into the control panel and the Bifrost began to open up.

"All is ready. You may pass." He stated once it was ready.

"Couldn't you leave the Bifrost open for us?" Volstagg asked.

"To keep this bridge open would unleash the full power of the Bifrost. It would destroy Jotunheim and you with it." Heimdall explained.

"Ah. Never mind then." Volstagg said.

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