Chapter 34- Escaping Sakaar

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Warnings: None.

This font= Flashback.

2017, Sakaar:

Destiny's POV:

Thor piloted the ship through the skies and dodged enemy fire coming from behind us.

"Brother, I hope you know what you're doing." I said, uneasy.

"Oh, I know what I'm doing." Thor reassured me.

"Open the doors!" Valkyrie exclaimed through the radio.

I looked around the controls and hit a switch, opening the doors behind us. Moments later, Bruce came flying into our ship, flying through one door and nearly flying out the other one, when I grabbed him by his arm and pulled him up.

"Thanks." He said, still panting heavily.

I silently gave him a thumbs up and we both sat back down, and I pushed a button to shut the doors. Our ship then suddenly began getting fired at from behind, though no damage was being done because there seemed to be a force field or something.

"Shouldn't we be firing back?" Bruce questioned.

"Yes, we should." Thor stated as he and I looked at the controls.

"Where are the guns on this ship?!" I asked Valkyrie on the radio.

"There aren't any. It's a leisure vessel." She replied.

"What?!" Thor and I both questioned.

"The Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff." She explained.

We looked around and noticed that the ceiling had mirrors all over it and the floor had some sort of Sakaarian rug on it.

"You have got to be joking." I muttered.

"Did she just say the Grandmaster uses this for orgies?" Bruce questioned.

"Yeah. Don't touch anything." Thor said.

Suddenly, we watched Valkyrie's ship explode. We all thought she was dead until we saw a spec land on top of our ship.

"Get inside!" Thor exclaimed.

"In a minute!" Valkyrie shouted back before leaping off of our ship and onto another Sakaarian one.

Thor, Bruce and I all exchanged a look.

"We should probably go help her." Thor said to me.

Before I could respond, Thor stood of and left for the exit.

"Here, take the wheel." He said to Bruce.

"No! I don't know how to fly one of these!" Bruce exclaimed.

"You're a scientist. Use one of your PhDs." Thor instructed.

"None of them are for flying alien spaceships!" Bruce shouted.

We sat in the ship, while Bruce began dodging attacks. I turned back and forth, having an idea and standing up and walking towards the doors.

"Please tell me you're not ditching me too!" Bruce exclaimed.

"I'm not ditching you! I have an idea though." I said.

I kneeled down right next to the open door and pulled out my staff. I then dangled my staff outside the hole and began firing beams, hoping to hit one of the pursuing ships.

"Hey! Watch where you're aiming that!" I heard Thor shout from outside.

"Sorry!" I apologized.

I gave up on blindly shooting beams and stood back up and walked back to the controls, where Banner was still frantically flying the ship.

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