Chapter 16- The Convergence (Part 2)

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Warnings: Once again, this is a very short chapter.

2013, Greenwich.

Destiny's POV:

As we continuously traveled between worlds, we ended up back in Jotunheim.

"Ah. This place." I mumbled.

We were suddenly confronted by one of the giant ice monsters of Jotunheim before we disappeared back to Earth, but this time, not in Greenwich. Instead, we ended up in a train station.

"You have got to be joking." I muttered.

"Mind the gap." The speaker echoed.

"How do we get to Greenwich?" Thor asked the people on the train.

"This train, three stops." A woman answered.

Thor and I stepped onto the train as it quickly prepared to leave the station. The force of the movement caused the woman to fall onto Thor as she used her hand and placed it on him to catch herself.

"Sorry, sorry." She apologized.

Thor smiled politely without saying anything. When we got to Greenwich, Malekith was readying the Aether, and we spotted Jane and Selvig.

"We're too late." Jane said.

"The convergence is at its peak." Selvig added.

Thor turned to Selvig's gadgets.

"Can those things stop him?" He asked him.

"Not from here." Selvig answered.

"We can't get close enough." Jane said.

"I can." Thor stated.

"Thor, I'm coming with you. You're not going alone." I said as Thor began grabbing the gadgets.

"No Destiny. You need to stay safe." M brother said, running to the Aether.

"Thor, no. Thor!" I exclaimed.

Thor ignored me and disappeared into the Aether. I stood there worriedly, debating about whether to go in there and possibly risk my life to save his or to trust that he knew what he was doing. As Jane started doing her own thing, I grabbed my staff and slowly began sucking the Aether into my staff. It took a bit of time but when I finished, the orb of my staff was red instead of light teal.

"Thor, no!" Jane exclaimed.

I saw as she ran to Thor, who now unconscious, when Malekith's ship began to crumble and tip over.

"Jane!" Selvig shouted.

I couldn't do anything about the ship because doing anything with my staff would release the Aether, and I didn't want that to happen. As the ship was about to crush the two, it disappeared and ended up who knows where. The rest of us approached Jane as Thor began to wake up.

"Everyone okay?" Selvig asked.

Thor woke up completely and there was a joyful moment, that I unfortunately had to interrupt because I had a magical staff full of Aether. Thor also wanted to talk to our father about what we did and he promised Jane that he would return soon. With that, I looked up at the sky and the Bifrost came soaring down on us, bringing me and Thor back to Asgard. Thor left for the throne room and I found Sif and Volstagg.


No one's POV:

Destiny, Sif and Volstagg were later lead by a pink-skinned woman down through collection of animals and plants, on the alien museum-like mines of Knowhere

"I present to you: Taneleer Tivan; the Collector." The servant stated.

Standing there, was the Collector, waiting for the three warriors.

"Asgardians! What an honour!" He said.

Destiny reached over to Sif and grabbed the container, which now contained the Aether, and handed it to the man.

"Ah, and the princess herself. It is a true honour Princess Destiny." The Collector added.

"You know why we're here." She said as he took the container.

"Of course. But if I may ask, why not keep it secure in your own vault?" The man asked.

"The Tesseract is already on Asgard. It would be unwise to keep two Infinity Stones so close together." Volstagg stated.

"That is very wise. I can assure you, it will be absolutely safe here in my collection."

"See that it is." Sif stated before the three of them turned to leave.

The Bifrost soon opened up, and the Asgardians returned from Knowhere and back to the palace. Destiny flew to her bedroom, climbed into bed and dozed off, ready for another day.

A/N: Wow this chapter was not supposed to be this short oops.

A/N: Online school has been getting in the way of writing so I'm really sorry about that but anyway stick around for more and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye!

A/N 03/04/2023: Like I said before, I could have definitely squeezed this last bit into the other chapter but I'm a few years too late to do that so... anyways no edits today so I'll see y'all in the next chapter!

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