Chapter 4- Banishment

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2011, Asgard.

No one's POV:

Odin brought the Asgardians back from Jotunheim and pulled Heimdall's sword and threw it at the Gatekeeper, who backed away.

"Why did you bring us back?!" Thor asked his father, annoyed and confused.

"Do you realize what you've done? What you've started?" Odin asked.

"I was protecting my home." Thor said.

"You cannot protect your friends. How can you hope to protect a kingdom?" Odin asked.

The Allfather turned to the other warriors.

"Get him to the healing room." He ordered, referring to Fandral.

Odin turned back to Thor.

"There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act!" Thor exclaimed.

"Brother..." Destiny mumbled.

As she was about to step forward, Loki stopped her, not wanting her to get in trouble as well. Destiny listened, though she already knew that they were already in trouble.

"Whatever the cost, the world must know that the new king of Asgard will not be held in contempt." Thor continued.

"That's pride and vanity that talks! Not leadership! Have you forgotten everything I have taught you? What of a warrior's patience and cunning?" Odin asked.

"While you wait and be patient, the nine realms laugh at us! The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls!" Thor exclaimed.

"Brother..." Destiny mumbled again.

"You are a vain, greedy, and cruel boy!" Odin exclaimed.

"And you are an old man, and a fool!" Thor shouted angrily.

Everything seemed to stop, and even Destiny did not say anything.

"Brother, please tell me you did not just say that..." The Goddess muttered anxiously.

Her father remained silent for a while before speaking again.

"A fool, yes. I was a fool to think that you were ready." He said.

Loki stepped towards him.

"Father.." He began.

Odin shot a glare at Loki, stopping him in his tracks. Odin then looked at Destiny, seeing the anxiety and worry build up in her, but turned back to Thor.

"Thor Odinson... You have disobeyed the express command of your King. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horrors of war." The Allfather began.

Odin turned and shoved his spear into the control panel, which began opening the Bifrost, before turning back to Thor.

"You are unworthy of this realm." He continued as he began ripping the discs off of Thor's armour. "Unworthy of your title."

He ripped off Thor's cloak.

"Unworthy of the loved ones you've betrayed. I hereby take from you your powers." He declared.

Odin reached his hand out and Mjolnir came flying into his hand.

"In the name of my father..." He began once more.

A bit a lightning struck Thor, disintegrating the right arm of his armour. Destiny could feel the worry get stronger and overwhelm her.

"And of his father before him..." Odin continued.

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