Chapter 2- The Casket

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2011, Asgard.

No one's POV:

Odin and Thor burst into the vault with Destiny, Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three close behind. At the back of the vault stood a creature with what looked like metal armour on and a fiery glow coming from it; holding the Casket of Ancient Winters.

"The Destroyer." Destiny mumbled.

She had heard countless things about it from her father when she was younger, but never had she actually seen it.

"I thought it was but a legend." Volstagg said, amazed.

The Destroyer set the casket back on its post before retreating into white light.

"I've never been inside the vault before. It's said the Tesseract was once held here." Fandral said, looking around.

"The Tesseract? I thought that was but a legend too." Volstagg said.

"Shush!" Sif shushed the warriors while Destiny had approached her father and brothers.

"The Jotuns must pay for what they've done!" Thor exclaimed angrily.

"They have paid with their lives. The Destroyer did its job and the casket is safe. All is well." Odin stated.

"'All is well'?!" Thor repeated angrily. "They broke into the weapons vault! If the Frost Giants had even stolen one of these relics..."

"But they didn't." Odin interrupted.

"I want to know why they..." Thor began.

"The Casket of Ancient Winters belonged to the Jotuns. They believed it was their birthright." Odin explained.

"And if you hadn't taken it from them, they would have laid waste to all the nine realms!" Thor exclaimed.

"I have a truce with Laufey, the Jotun King." Odin said.

"He just broke your truce! We must act!" Thor nearly shouted.

Odin turned to Sif and the Warriors Three.

"Leave us." He ordered.

Once the four warriors were gone, Odin turned back to Thor while Loki and Destiny simply watched.

"What action would you take?" He asked his son.

"March into Jotunheim, as you once did, and teach them a lesson, break their spirits so they'll never dare try to cross our borders again!" Thor explained.

"You're thinking only as a warrior." Odin said.

"This was an act of war!" Thor shouted.

"It was an act of but a few, doomed to fail." Odin corrected.

"As king of Asgard, I would..." Thor began again before being interrupted.

"You are not king! Not yet!" Odin interrupted.

Thor angrily left the vault, the doors slamming behind him. Destiny, with concern in her eyes, went after her brother, who was marching through the hall to the banquet room.

Destiny's POV:

I entered the banquet room, where I saw Volstagg crouched down next to the food where the table had been knocked over. I found Thor sitting alone and I walked towards him.

"It is unwise to be in my company right now sister." He said as I approached.

"I know. That's why I'm here." I said as I sat down.

Loki then approached and sat down on Thor's left.

"If it's any consolation, you're right. About the Frost Giants, Laufey, everything. If a few of them could penetrate the defences of Asgard once, who's to say that they won't try again?" He said.

"Yes, exactly!" Thor said.

"But there's nothing we can do without defying father." I said.

Thor thought for a moment and looked down at his hammer.

"No, stop it. I know that look." Loki said with concern.

By this point, I understood what Thor was thinking.

"It's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders." Thor said.

"Thor, it's madness!" I exclaimed.

"Madness? What sort of madness?" Volstagg asked suddenly.

"Nothing. Thor was making a jest." Loki quickly answered.

"The safety of our realm is no jest. We're going to Jotunheim." Thor concluded.

"What?" Fandral asked.

"No! No we're not!" I exclaimed.

"She's right. Thor, of all the laws of Asgard, this one you must not break." Sif agreed.

"This isn't like a journey to Earth where you summon a little thunder and lightning and the mortals worship you... this is Jotunheim." Fandral added.

"And if those Frost Giants don't kill you, Father most certainly will." I said.

"Father fought his way into Jotunheim, defeated their armies and took their casket. We'd just be looking for answers." Thor said, turning to me.

"It is forbidden!" Sif exclaimed.

Thor looked at our friends and smiled.

"My friends, have you forgotten all that we've done together?" He asked before turning to Fandral. "Who brought you into the sweet embrace of the most exotic maidens in all of Yggdrasil?"

"You did." Fandral answered.

Thor turned to Hogun.

"Who led you into the most glorious battles?"

He turned to Volstagg before continuing.

"And to delicacies so succulent you thought you had died and gone to Valhalla?"

"You did." The two warriors answered at the same time.

"And who proved wrong all who scoffed at the idea that a young maiden could be one of the fiercest warriors this realm has ever known?" He then asked Sif.

"I did." She answered

"And me." I commented.

"True. But I supported." My brother quickly replied.

He turned to the Warriors Three.

"My friends, trust me now. We must do this." He said.

The three warriors exchanged a look.

"Come on. You're not going to let my brother, my sister and me take all the glory are you?" He asked.

Loki looked at him startled, as did I.

"What?" He asked.

"You two are coming with me." Thor said.

"Yes of course. I will not let my brother march into Jotunheim alone. I will stand at his side." Loki stated.

"And I." The Warriors Three agreed. "The Warriors Three fight together." Hogun stated.

Thor turned back to me.

"Alright. But I'm only coming for the sake of your lives." I said.

I turned to Sif.

"I fear we'll live to regret this." She said.

"Probably." I agreed.

A/N: OMG My Place In This World has over 400 VIEWS I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter stick around for more. Bye bye!

A/N 12/29/2022: So after re-reading this chapter several times and going through comments to check if anyone had pointed out any grammatical errors, I concluded that this chapter did not need editing but I figured I would leave a little note so y'all know I have been here.

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