Chapter 25- Doctor Strange

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Warnings: None.

2017, Earth.

Destiny's POV:

Loki led us to where he had supposedly left our father, though when we had arrived, we saw the building being demolished.

"I swear I left him right here." Loki said.

"Right here on the sidewalk? Or right here where the building is being demolished?" I asked.

"Great planning." Thor said sarcastically.

"How was I supposed to know? I can't see into the future, I'm not a witch." Loki replied.

"No? Then why'd you dress like one?" Thor asked him.

"Hey." Loki said, offended.

"I still can't believe you're alive. We saw you die. We mourned you, we cried for you." I interjected, annoyed.

"I'm honoured." Loki stated.

Suddenly, these two girls walked up to us.

"Hi. Would you mind taking a picture with us?" One of the girls asked me and Thor.

"Sure." I answered, smiling.

Thor turned to Loki.

"Start figuring out where he is." He said to him.

Thor and I took some pictures with the girls.

"Oh my god." One of them said excitedly.

One of them turned to Thor.

"Sorry to hear that Jane dumped you." She said sympathetically.

After that, the two girls walked away, and I turned to Thor, confused.

"She didn't dump me, I dumped her. It was a mutual dumping." He said.

We both noticed something orange glowing around Loki's feet.

"What's this? What are you doing?" I asked him.

Loki looked down and saw the orange glow, then turned back to us.

"This isn't me." He answered, completely serious.

Suddenly the ground underneath him opened up and he fell through, the only thing left behind was a piece of paper. Thor grabbed his umbrella, which was secretly his hammer, and I moved to the other side, grasping my staff disguised as a book tightly.

"Loki?" Thor called out while poking the paper with the tip of his umbrella.

I picked up the slip of paper and noticed that there was something written on it.

"117A Bleecker Street." I read out loud.

Just like that, we were teleported in front of a building. We walked up to the door and I knocked on it twice, and once again, we were teleported. We looked around and realized that we were in the building. Thor and I looked around confused, and still had no idea where Loki had gone, when we suddenly heard a voice.

"Thor Odinson. God of Thunder."

Thor and I looked around, as a man in a wizard like outfit and cloak began to emerge.

"Destiny Odinsdottir. Goddess of Life." He concluded.

Thor held up his umbrella and I opened up my book, ready to fight this man.

"You can put the umbrella and the book down." He reassured us.

Hesitantly, I closed my book and set it down on a nearby table next to Thor's umbrella. When we looked back up at the wizard, the room looked different.

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