Chapter 35- Duel

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Warnings: None.

This font = Dreams

2017, Asgard.

Destiny's POV:

Thor and me walked into the throne room, our footsteps echoing in the room. The throne room was a mess, pieces of rubble from the ceiling. Thor picked up one of the pieces, which showed a portion of his own face. We both looked up at the ceiling and found the original painting that I now remembered being there, of Odin, Hela and myself conquering the nine realms, Hela holding Mjolnir. Once again, more memories began rushing into my brain.

"This is insane..." I mumbled, still staring at the ceiling.

I snapped out of my daze for the second time today and stepped forward to where the Thor was standing, in front of the throne. He turned to me, looking kind of confused, which also confused me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Aren't you going to go and sit down?" He questioned.

"I thought you were going to." I said.

"I've already tried taking the throne. It didn't go too well." Thor chuckled.

I sighed lightheartedly.

"Fine. I'll sit down." I said.

I walked up to the throne and sat down on it, and it made me realize that I had never actually ever sat down on this throne in my life. I turned around to face the back and saw Gungir, my father's signature spear, and I grabbed it and handed it to Thor with a nod, and he took it and began slamming it on the ground, causing loud booming noises to echo all over Asgard. After some time, Hela finally entered the throne room.

"Sister." I said.

Hela slowly but surely made her way through the huge space, smiling.

"You're still alive." She said.

"I love what you've done with the place. Redecorating, I see." Thor remarked.

"It seemed our father's solution to every problem was to cover it up." Hela stated.

"Or cast it out." I added.

"He told you you were worthy. He said the same thing to me." Thor said.

"You see, you never knew him. Not at his best." My sister stated. "Neither of you did."

Hela let out a nostalgic sigh before continuing.

"Odin, Destiny and I used to drown entire civilizations in blood and tears. Where do you think all this gold came from? And then one day he decided to become a benevolent king. To foster peace and protect life. To have you."

"I understand why you're angry. And you are our sister, and technically have a claim to the throne. And believe me, we would love for someone else to rule. But it can't be you. You're just...the worst." I said.

Hela's hands brushed against her head, as her helmet came on.

"Okay, sister, get up. You're in my seat."

"You know, Father once told me that a king or queen never seeks out war." Thor said as I stood up from the throne.

"But must always be ready for one." Hela finished.

My staff lighting up as usual, I charged towards Hela, engaging the first duel her and I would have in a very long time. And this time around, I was determined to win. Our weapons clashed as I made many attempts to blast her away, before Thor ran in himself and battle her as well. Thor and I took turns attacking her and blocking attacks.

"To be honest, I expected more." Hela said.

She managed to disarm Thor, sending both him and Gungir flying across the throne room.

"Thor!" I shouted.

Before I could run to him, Hela threw a small blade at me, hitting the side of my right leg and sending me across the room in the opposite direction. I ripped the small blade out of my leg and pressed my hands on the small wound and healed them. I saw Hela grabbing Thor and pinning him to the wall.

"Here's the difference between us. Destiny and I are Odin first born, the rightful heirs, the saviours of Asgard. And you're nothing."

Thor was just about able to dodge her attack as he rolled out of the way. I jumped up and fought her once more, swinging my staff at her, our weapons clashing again. Hela stumbled back when I hit her and I blasted her to the wall, then blasted a beam to Gungir, shooting it in my direction. Upon catching the spear, I was immediately kicked across the room. Thor got up and head butted her, though it did absolutely nothing, and Hela did the same thing, knocking Thor to the ground. She walked up to him, drawing out a sword behind her.

"So simple. Even a blind man can see it."

She then slashed Thor's eye from behind, resulting in his right eye being ripped out.

"Thor!!" I shouted.

Everything out of my right eye went dark and began to hurt.

"Now you remind me of dad." Hela commented.

Still covering my right eye, I began firing at Hela once more, but I didn't hit her once, and she threw another blades at me, right into my hip. I clenched my hip with my right and hand and looked up in time for Hela to slash her sword across my face. I fell backwards and pressed my hand back onto my face.

"You've always been weaker than me, sister." Hela said.

I tried to fight back, but to no avail, as Hela slashed my right eye in the other direction. I fell down on the ground, my vision blurring, and I fell unconscious.

I woke up in a field. The same field where we had met Hela only a few weeks before. I stumbled through the field, barely able to keep myself on my feet, as I made my way to my father, who was standing in front of me.

"Father. I can't defeat her.. she's too strong." I said. "Even with my staff, I have never been able to."

"Are you Destiny, Goddess of Staffs?" Odin asked me.

I stared at him, confused.

"The staff was to help control your power. Your strength... is inside you."

I hesitantly stood up and looked at my father.

"We can't defeat her; we are too late, she's already taken Asgard." I said.

"Asgard is not a place; it's a people, Destiny." My father stated as he looked around us, at the field. "This could be Asgard."

I thought about all of the battles that Hela and I had, and how I had never defeated her. Never once.

"I'm not as strong as her." I finally said as my father turned to leave.

Odin turned around to face me once more.

"No. You're stronger than her." He stated before walking away.

I woke up, in the throne room, still blinded as before, but I felt stronger than previously. As I got ready to find Thor, I suddenly heard a crackle of lightning coming from outside, followed by several blasts. With all of my power, I flew straight outside the palace and joined Thor, Valkyrie and now Loki on the rainbow bridge.

A/N: Heyo! Sorry this chapter took longer than expected I had a little bit of trouble thinking of what to write but hopefully I'll be back to my regular schedule soon.

A/N: This whole idea of Hela constantly beating Destiny in fighting legit reminds me of Gamora and Nebula for some reason.

A/N: At this point, Destiny is completely blind out of her right eye and she's got a massive X on her eye so...

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter and stick around for more. And that's about all I have to say. Peace!

A/N 03/19/2023: A lot of people seemed to like the fact that Hela basically kinda complimented Destiny which I find funny. Might just be me though.

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