Chapter 22- Flashbacks

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Warnings: A short chapter.

This font=flashback.

Age 16:

No one's POV:

The younger Goddess of Life stood in the training room with her mother, where she would use her staff for her first time. As the Asgardian was handed her staff, the orb on the top began to glow; this staff belonged to her. Destiny looked at the large target placed at the back of the room and pointed her staff at it. After a few seconds of trying to fire a beam, she pointed the staff straight up as she was ready to give up when she suddenly shot a beam to the ceiling, setting a large crack in it. Destiny stared in shock and fear before she looked down at her weapon, then back to the target she was supposed to hit. She pointed her staff at the target, and focused on her attack, shooting a beam in the center of her target. She lowered her staff and turned to her mother while smiling, to which Frigga also smiled. Out of nowhere, several cracks emerged from the walls around the women. Destiny turned to the door in time to see a large hammer smash through, sending rubble all over the room. And there emerged Destiny's twin sister, the Goddess of Death, Hela.

"Hela, what was that all about?!" Frigga asked, annoyed.

"Mother, I wanted to see Destiny training." The Goddess of Death answered.

"You could have just opened the door." Frigga retaliated.

Destiny decided to fulfill her twin's wish by using her staff and shooting a beam right at her. Hela easily dodged the beam and chucked the hammer at her sister, before Frigga quickly dragged Destiny out of the way.

"Leave us." She ordered.

Hela did as she said and left the room. Frigga turned to Destiny, shaking her head. Destiny knew that her mother was disappointed in what she had done and apologized to her mother. After that day, Destiny continued to train herself until she knew she was well enough prepared.

Age 275:

As Destiny continued to train herself, she continued getting stronger and better at fighting. One day, while she trained, she heard someone walk into the room. Destiny turned around and noticed Hela standing there. Without saying anything, Hela flicked her wrist and drew out a sword, before turning back to Destiny.

"You challenge me, sister?" Destiny asked.

Hela nodded and gave her sister an evil smirk before charging towards the Goddess of Life. Destiny fought her sister with as much power as she could, before deciding it was time to try another attack. She took a few steps back and fired beams of light at Hela. Still, Hela dodged those attacks as well and sent a blade flying straight into Destiny's leg. Destiny fell down from the pain and her sister kicked her down before holding a large sword to her chin.

"I will always be better than you, sister." She stated evilly.

"Enough, Hela." Ordered a voice from behind.

Standing at the doorway was Odin, stopping Hela from stabbing her sister.

"Father, you must be proud of me." Hela demanded.

"And that I am. But you cannot kill her. Leave her." Odin commanded.

Hela removed the blade from her sister's chin and walked out of the room with her father, leaving Destiny to stand around. Her blood boiled. She thought of how her sister thought it was a good idea to try and kill her, and she hated it. And every day, she trained more and more, and almost every day, Hela challenged her to a duel.

Age 834:

Once again, Hela and Destiny has engaged in a duel. As Destiny leaped back, she tapped the tip of her staff to the ground, resulting in light emerging straight from the ground. Destiny manipulated the light and sent it flying straight towards her sister, who, as always, dodged the large beam and charged at her. The two fought, their weapons clashing against one another, until Destiny decided it was time for another new tactic. She stared into Hela's eyes as hers began to glow. Though, unlike Destiny's previous experiences where the opponent fell in a trance, nothing happened. Hela stares right into her glowing eyes before throwing a blade into her sister's upper leg. Destiny yelped in pain before getting kicked down once more.

"Are you ever going to try a different strategy?" Hela asked her.

Destiny examined the wound on her leg and looked back at her sister.

"Is that not what I've been doing?!" She asked angrily.

"Well, yes, but of all of our battles, I have succeeded in beating you by throwing knives at you, and you can't even get me to fall to my knees." Hela stated.

Destiny stated at her sister angrily, not wanting to admit that she was right. Hela turned on her heel and began to walk away, before Destiny slowly got up.

"I challenge you to a rematch." She demanded.

Hela turned around and laughed.

"Fine then." She agreed.

Destiny used all the light she could muster, and fired several beams at Hela, who quickly summoned her hammer and blocked the light. Destiny felt her arms getting heavy and her legs getting weak as her head began to hurt. After a few seconds, the light faded away, and Destiny fell to the ground, unconscious. She woke up later on, in her bed, but did not bother getting up and decided she would train the next day.

She would train and train over and over again, every day, and duelled her sister every day, but as confident as she felt every time, not once did she ever beat her sister in a duel.

A/N: Keep in mind Destiny doesn't remember any of this because her memory of Hela (and thus her years before Hela was banished) was erased but this will come in later on in the story.

A/N: Again, kinda short but I thought I would do something different. Hope you enjoyed, stick around, and I'll see ya later. Bye!

A/N: Also let me know if I should do more of these. Because I'm not really sure.

A/N 03/17/2023: Not much to this chapter although I really wish I wrote this chapter after Hela returned from her banishment...

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