12. Her choice is picked .
Rayne followed quietly behind. She noticed the entities that surrounded her and constantly kept her gaze on her toes as she walked.
They were walking straight and suddenly, Alec stopped which cause Rayne to bump into his back.
He just laughed and this laughter was very rare. Rayne's face didn't looked duller than a tomato. They entered into a store, which put up for sale only party clothes.He went inside and started looking for his choice. Rayne stood there looking at the most boring point in the store, the floor. Her mind swarmed in thoughts that no one cared to know.
There was always her brother Ian, for her but he was way too busy and she didn't want to bother him.
"Rayne! ", Alec yelled for snapping Rayne out of her unwavering thoughts. He waved his hand in front of her .
"Are you okay?", he asked .
"How's this one?", he asked displaying a grey coloured suit.
"It is okay.", she answered .
"Just okay? "
"Its grey? And great."
He laughed again. He had no idea why he was smiling in the span of these three days. Especially, when she was around.
"Okay, choose any one for me", he stated.
Rayne took big steps forward and stood at the end of the store to take a good look at everything.
Roaming her eyes here and there, she found a pleasant looking row and picked in black suit and a matching tie for him.
She then, glided back to him and showed what she picked .
"Why would you choose this?", he asked .
"Well, I think black colour will look good on you. Plus, red tie will show your personality. This suit is not much sparkly and I don't know where are you going but, this will be good for any place", she explained.
"What does red tie shows?", he asked .
"Well, red is mostly for brave people and lovers so I think its perfect."
"You think I am brave. That's true but lover?" He smirked .
"I don't know. Maybe? Sorry." She minded a few step so that she could put the suit away.
" Wait!",he called. She stopped a and turned around.
"I didn't tell you to put it away", he took the suit .
"Sorry", Rayne gushed
"I'll buy this one",he looked at the apparel," Now, I will choose a dress for you."
" I don't want a dress", she denied his statement .
"Don't argue with me. Now c'mon." He started to walk, to another section of the store that was meant for ladies.
"You sit here", he said while gesturing Rayne to an empty chair.
Rayne waited for almost fifteen minutes and then, she saw Alec coming in her direction with more than three dresses.
"Try these", he kind of ordered .
"All? "
"Yes ."
"Uh ah, go."
"You said one and-"
"Don't argue."
"Sorry." She walked into the trial room.
She put on the first dress. It was navy blue in colour and was briefly cut just an inch before her knees. He pale skin complimented the dress in a way that was impeccable.
She stared herself in the mirror and smoothed her dress from the end and did a swirl when Alec's voice interrupted her little show,"done there?"
"C'mon out then. Let me see."
She gulped and gave herself one more glance before opening the trail room's door. She minded a few steps and stood in front of Alec, uncomfortably.
He glanced in her direction and kept on staring until she cleared her throat.
"You - uh... look-um- good." He couldn't firm words in his brain. He realised how pervert his mind is and how desperately he wanted to touch her skin. Her smooth pale skin seemed like elixir to his brain, that he wanted to drink it so badly.
She put on the removed the first dress after she went back to the trail room and tried the second, then third one followed by the fourth one and lastly fifth. She would try one dress and show it to Alec and every time he saw her, he instinct would compel him to touch her but he decided against it.
In every dress she looked beautiful. She didn't even need makeup. Alec sat there telling her to try dresses. He kind of enjoyed the view. He didn't know why.
After buying the dresses and a pair of ballets, they both went into the parking lot and called Chasity to come down.
Then, they drove off to the hotel. Rayne was still confused. She didn't know why he was ordering her to try dresses all day .
'Maybe he is buying dresses for someone else, who is same size as me',she thought .
When they reached the hotel, it was almost six-thirty in the evening and the party wasn't starting until eight.
Everyone went to their respective room. Sometime later, Alec closed the door to give Chasity some space to change and do her make up, and went outside. With three shopping bags in his hand he knocked Rayne's door.She was scribbling notes in her copy when the knock disturbed her.
She sighed and pulled the door open, only to find Alec smirking with shopping bags in his hand.
He, without even greeting her, thrashed his shoulder against her and entered. He sat comfortably on her bed and she stood there confused.
"Close the door", he made himself even more comfortable.

With the Gang Leader
RomanceShe was beautiful, smart, quiet, intelligent, creative and generous. She was everything her father not expected her to be. Being the daughter of a gang leader, she should have been the ruthless bad girl but she turned out to be the exact opposite. ...