15. Her everything reminds of her.
The night grew even more dreadful as the minutes ensued by.
Streets were silent as grave and stood out as the street lights shined upon them.
She pushed her legs against the pavement as she made her way to nowhere.
Her cheeks were strained with her tears. Her eyes were red and looked puffed. Her sore arms embraced her while she walked. It was getting colder and colder with each step she took.
Numerous thoughts enchanted her mind. It was all too depressing.
A car honked from beside her and her ears turned clean to the sound. She spun and the driver pulled the mirrors down.
" Rayne?"
It was Alec.
She didn't reply. She knew her voice would be hoarse and broken. Not that she cared.
" Get in.", he spoke.
She opened her mouth to argue but he spoke before she could, "Don't argue."
So, without any negotiations she sat in the car, closing the door behind her.
After fifteen minutes they passed their hotel in which they were staying.
Alec was going to a medical shop to buy some cream and bandages. He was hurt badly but he didn't show it. Although he was stronger than Damian , the alcohol took his victory.
Some way or the other, Rayne and Alec were same. They never showed the world how hurt and broken they were.
He bought what he wanted. Rayne was fast asleep. He didn't want to wake her up.
So he drove off to a lonely place. It was a clearing with tress all around. The stars were shining so bright that they had an blinding effect. It was a very eventful night.
Alec got out of the car and sat on the grass, he watched the stars in a delightful way, engrossed in his own thoughts. He thought to bandage himself, do he slid his shirt off but he couldn't help the bruises on his back, hence he exempted this thought.
Rayne's eyelashes opened. She found out that she was in a car. Then, she remembered what happened. She slided off the car and looked around, only to see that she was in a desolate clearing which looked beautiful.
Her eyes wandered off and stopped at a lean figure, who sat in the middle of the clearing.
She walked to Alec, for who he was, the figure and sat beside him.
He took a glimpse of her and turned his eyes on the stars again.
" Why were you crying? ", he asked and she tensed as soon as she heard that.
"I...um...wasn't-", he interrupted her.
"Oh don't give me this shit. Tell me.", he said.
" Don't know ."
"You don't need you hide it, I heard what Chasity said. It was very ..." he lingered on to find a perfect word .
" True ." Rayne added.
"No, it wasn't. Why would think like that?", he looked at her. She was nervous, by the looks of her face and played with the grass.
"Because Chasity is always right.", she smeared her thoughts even more, when she noticed Alec's confused face. "I mean she is everything. She is beautiful and a perfect daughter ...unlike me."
A tear slipped down her eyes.
He brushed his thumb across her soft cheeks to push the tear away, "Don't cry Rayne." He started, "Chasity is nothing compared to you. We are like murderers who are involved in gangs but you...you are different. None of the gang influenced you..."
"What do you mean?"
"You remind me so much of my mother. She was just like you, sweet, innocent, caring and most of all, beautiful, like you are." He explained.
She just blushed, a part of her was happy. Then, she saw a box lying beside Alec.
"What's this?", she asked pointing at it.
"First aid box. I couldn't bandage myself."
This explained why he was not wearing a shirt.
"If you want I can...um...help you."
"Sure." He sat up straight.
She applied healing cream to the bruises on his muscular back. Her soft thin fingers rubbed against his hard cold skin. He felt sparks erupting in his body.
"Woah woah... easy there!!", he winced as she hit a spot that pained.
" Sorry", she apologized."It might have hurt badly."
" No its okay." As long you are touching me, he thought.
He scoffed at the wild thoughts that were running through his mind. He shook the thoughts away, trying to feel every moment of pleasant touch when her hands lingered on his body.
Both of them were different yet same, who needed each other. Just they couldn't get themselves to this realization.
This was one eventful day.

With the Gang Leader
Roman d'amourShe was beautiful, smart, quiet, intelligent, creative and generous. She was everything her father not expected her to be. Being the daughter of a gang leader, she should have been the ruthless bad girl but she turned out to be the exact opposite. ...