33. Her articulate is tormenting.
Rayne stared at Caden as hard as she could. She couldn't believe that he was going to teach her a lesson. She tried to glare, but her heart was so soft and kind that her glare turned out to be cute.
"Glaring at me, darling?", Caden laughed.
"Yes. Why are you laughing?", Rayne averred.
"Because you don't know how to glare. Now, don't make that cute face, it would be hard for me to punish you." Caden said before getting and yanking Rayne's hand in the process.
"What did I do?", she asked.
"Oh- Well, you back talked me." He said firmly.
"But-" she was cut off before she could even protest.
"I won't be hard if you answer my questions honestly, but if you didn't this would be the worst day of your life."
She gulped and nodded.
The next thing she knew Caden was leading her to another room.
On sensing her surroundings, she found that the room was smaller than the previous one. One corner was set up with two sets of couches, apparently of dark blue colour. The paint stuck to the walls was dark grey, which only made the room look dull.
Caden made Rayne sit on one of the couches and uttered, "If I unlock you, what will you do?"
The stupidest question here was on compulsion to be answered with perfect ambiance of mind.
Rayne took a deep breath and sighed. She knew what was the minute was begging her to answer.
"I won't run away.""Smart." He took out a small key from his back pocket and kneeled down in front of her, unlocking the handcuffs. She rubbed her sore wrist as the cuffs were undone.
"Now answer the truth," he started, " Is Alec really a Gang Leader?"
With that question said, Rayne's palm began to sweat. She didn't know if she should give away all this.
"Yes-s." She stuttered which clearly gave away that she was lying.
"Don't lie to me!" He averred.
"I swear. He is."
"Next question, Is James your father?"
"I don't know." she looked everywhere but him to refrain the tears that were resting on the brim of her eyes from falling.
"Don't lie to me, damn it!"
"I am telling the truth."
"You think you can fool me." He glared at her. His eyes seem to turn dark with the anger bolting inside of them.
"I swear-I-" Rayne was interrupted by Caden's ringtone badly serenading in the tense atmosphere.
"Seems like you are saved. You won't be able to run away from here anyway. I'll be back."
With that Caden left. Rayne couldn't comprehend what just happened? Was this place really that hard to break that she couldn't get out of here.
She built up her guts and finally proceeded to the door and with no further delay, she twisted the knob of the door of the room and to her surprise, it opened.
It was very irresponsible of Caden to have not locked or he did that on purpose? That was the question that came to her mind.
She then looked sideways and decided to go to left of the long corridor.
She was still wearing her dress from the wedding. The person whom she was trying to not think of, strode back to her mind and heart, Alec. Would he be worried? Would he be missing me? She thought.
Ian would conspicuously be at the peek of anxiousness now.
But then, another thing that was at the priority now, became evident to her. That was, finding Amanda and searching for answers to so as to why she has been dragged here.
She moved forward and observed her surroundings. It was a pretty decent mansion other than the vulgar things that she witnessed on her entry.
She could hear a faint voice. It seemed familiar. Very familiar as she moved towards it. It was of Caden.
She peered into the room from the corner of the door, seeing Caden's back's turned towards her she quickly retreated back and adjusted herself against the wall, eavesdropping.
"I am sorry, Ally. I want to be there too..." she heard Caden speaking.
"I know. I know I've been gone for too long but I promise, yes, I'll make it up to you, love." He spoke again after a pause.
Rayne could make out the tenderness in his voice and the affection that he'd hold for the person whom he was talking to was clearly visible.
"I miss you. I'll be back, don't worry. Love you too." With that Caden pressed the red button.
Rayne could hear his steps advancing towards her when Caden's phone again ringed.
"What do you want?" He rudely asked the caller.
"I already told you, I won't kill anyone. Don't you dare touch Ally... No, Rayne didn't tell me anything...I'll see." He hung his call.
Rayne again heard his proceeding footsteps and decided to run back to where she came from.
"Running somewhere?" Caden's voice pounced to every corner of the corridor, making Rayne to stop dead in her tracks.
"Something curious, aren't you?" Caden smirked as he made his way towards her. He grabbed her wrist roughly and tucked her to the basement while she struggled and screamed for letting go.
"Caden, you're hurting me. Please." She slumped her palms in order to try to be free from his grasp but that was to no avail.
"What are you doing?", she wailed as Caden shoved her into a chair and started tying her hands and legs to the chair with rope.
"How much did you hear?!", he exclaimed.
"Enough to know that you love her. You love Ally. I don't know who she is but you do, you love her. You want to be with her. I know you don't want to be involved in any of it. I know that the stupid reason of Alec sending you to Jail for a few years, couldn't be enough to kidnap me and Amanda. To get this big of a revenge. " She averred.
" Shut up!", he yelled and tossed his hand up to Rayne's cheek to slap her. The sound of the slap was very echoing. Rayne felt a tear slipping down her cheek.
"Why? Because I am telling the truth? You are forced into it, aren't you?" She said courageously.
"I said, shut up!" He shouted again before slapping her one more time and leaving her in the basement.
I know I took forever to update but trust me I was really busy. Sorry. I am planning on finishing this before 10th of January. If someone is still reading my story ...
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With the Gang Leader
RomantikShe was beautiful, smart, quiet, intelligent, creative and generous. She was everything her father not expected her to be. Being the daughter of a gang leader, she should have been the ruthless bad girl but she turned out to be the exact opposite. ...