Chapter 1

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Before we start, episode one of the game will make an appearance here, but it will be further down in the chapter. Now then... let's get to it!

Dija pov
As me and Sal explored, we met some- Interesting residents. Charlie was by far the grossest man I've ever fucking met, I literally had to hold back from throwing up as we left his apartment. Luckily we weren't in there long, and moved on from the wretched place.

We passed a woman who was mopping the floors, when she saw us she gave a slight scream, which I assume was for Sal. I don't understand why? It's literally just a mask, nothing scary about it. "Oh my, you gave me a bit of a scare young man, but apologies for my behavior" she smiled and introduced herself as Lisa, the janitor of the apartments. We introduced ourselves and she told us about her son, Larry, who was our age. "You should go down and meet him" she smiled again and handed us a keycard "What's this for?" Sal asked, a bit confused. "You can't get to the basement without one, helps keep kids from getting into to things and getting hurt." With that she sent us on our way.

Once we reached the basement we went over to the numbered door, which we assume was where Lisa and Larry lived. We knocked but there was no answer. I could hear loud rock music playing from inside, but couldn't make out the band. Sal tried the doorknob and the door opened "Guess it's unlocked" I snickered. Sal rolled his eyes and walked inside, and I followed behind him. We walked over to the room which the loud music was coming from and decided just to open the door.

Once we entered the room we saw a guy and a girl sitting on the bed. The guy seemed like he was tall. He had brown hair and dark eyes. The girl was a bit shorter than him by the looks of it. She had brown hair as well, and beautiful green eyes, almost like emeralds. They suddenly looked over at us and looked a bit caught off guard. They looked like they were doing facemasks while the girl painted her nails, and the boy was braiding her hair, then there was the music. It was awesome! I've never heard it before but it fucking rocked. "What are ya listening to, it's bangin!" I yelled over the music. The girl got up and turned the music off, which made the boy sulk on the bed. "Sanity's fall, that's the name of the band we were just listening to." Larry perked up "Best fucking band to ever exist by far" I nod in agreement "So what brings you two down here?" The girl asked, sitting back down on the bed. "Lisa sent us, said we should meet Larry" Sal mentioned, putting his hands in his pockets. It seemed he wasn't too comfortable with new people. "That would be mwah" Larry stood up and did a clumsy filled bow. The girl on the bed laughed "I'm Alice." I waved "I'm Dija, and this is Sal" he waved slightly. "Woah- nice mask!" He looked down a bit "It's a prosthetic actually.." for some reason, though we just met, it made me angry to see Sal so uncomfortable. Alice got up and smacked Larry in the head "You made him upset you dumbass!" He blinked and looked between Alice and Sal, and quickly apologized religiously, and Sal couldn't help but chuckle.

Throughout a couple hours, we sat there talking about hundreds of things, and I grew fond of the two we just met. We even spent like thirty minutes head-banging to Sanity's fall. After we finished we all sat down to take a break, and let our bodies rest. We were only sitting there a few minutes when Larry spoke up "Guys, there's something I need to tell you guys, but you have to promise not to tell anyone-" he seemed nervous, but we all agreed. He then explained to us the situation with Charlie "I FUCKING KNEW IT! HE IS A FUCKING CREEP!" I yelled, causing Larry to jump back a bit at my sudden outburst. Alice held back a laugh as he did so. Moments later Sal and Alice went up to Charlie's room. I didn't want to go back there so I stuck back with Larry. He began taking off his face mask and looked at a picture stuck to his mirror.

Alice pov
Sal and I went up to Charlie's room. I went in place of Dija because she genuinely seemed rather uncomfortable to come here, though I didn't blame her. As we walked, I looked at Sal. So what's your thoughts on Dija? He blinked and looked at me "I- I don't know. I just met her today, but she seems so badass. She is so carefree and free spirited. Not to mention she's fun to be around." I smiled at the words he had said. It's to soon to tell, but I can smell a potential romance brewing.

We soon made it to Charlie's room and went inside. He was of course watching Glitter ponies, as he always does. Sal went to look at his pony figures and Charlie got very defensive "Don't touch those!" He yelled, causing us both to be taken aback. Sal backed away and noticed to teacup. He brought me to the side and told me he had an idea on how to get the pony. We waved by to Charlie and left. Minutes later we returned with a fresh Addison tea, which Sal drugged with sleeping meds. "That's so fucked- I fucking love it" I snickered. He rolled his eyes and we went back into his room to give him the tea.

Dija pov
I noticed it was him and Alice hugging. "Are you and Alice together?" He blinked and looked down, and his expression saddened. "We were. We tried it out back in middle school, but it didn't work out..." I looked at him with sad eyes "You still love her though, don't you?" He nodded "I can see myself with anyone else. Hell she shut everyone out a little over a year ago, and even in school she wouldn't talk to me" he sighed. I pat his back "Maybe you should give it another shot" he looked at me with hopeful eyes "You think so?" I nodded "I can tell she loves you" we both smiled and laughed a bit before the door opened "We got it bitches!" Alice screamed as she burst into the room. Sal walked in silently and we spoke about the situation. We decided to turn Charlie in, which was best in every case, seeing as he was probably some child molester or something. As we passed by the cop car, Charlie screamed at us "I thought we were friends! Why would you do this to me! I'm innocent!" But I didn't hear a word of it, and walked up to the ambulance, where the back door was open, and I assumed that's where Mrs, Sanderson was, however I nearly lost it when I looked inside. Her body was all decayed and rotten, and her throat was sliced almost completely in half, you could see inside her. Sal didn't seem to disturbed by the sight, but Larry and Alice looked like I did.

After that traumatic incident we went back to Larry's room, and sat down. I was so happy when he offered me a joint. All of us but Sal got high, and got to enjoy the feeling of forgetting everything that happened in the last couple hours.

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