Chapter 13

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Sal pov

Today is definitely not one I'm particularly excited about. Everyone is going to this party, and Dija is dragging me along. I sighed as she was getting ready, and I noticed her look back at me "You okay Sal?" I nodded "Yeah I'm fine." She walked over and sat on the bed with me "Sal if you don't want to go you don't have to. There will be drinking and stuff and I don't want you to be uncomfortable." I looked at her "And that's why I need to be there, I don't want you to be drunk, high, or whatever the hell your gonna do and not have me there to protect you if something goes wrong.." Her gaze softened and she placed her hand on my leg "Thank you Sal, I'm glad I have you to look out for me" I smiled as she got up to continue getting ready.

After she finished her makeup she began changing. I quickly averted my gaze away from her. Why am I looking away? She is my girlfriend, I should be able to look without it being weird.. but what if she sees me and thinks I'm a creep! I sighed and kept my gaze down. "Sal, you know you don't have to look away right? Not like you haven't seen me naked before." She giggled. I felt my face go red as I looked over. "She wasn't wrong, I had seen her like this once before.. wasn't exactly the best moment. As she changed, I realized I didn't really need to worry. She seemed so comfortable with me, and she had every right to. I thought she was gorgeous, her hair, her eyes, her body, she was perfect in every way"

Larry pov

I'm so excited for this party, been looking forward to it all week. Have a chance to let loose and relieve some pent up stress. I had finished getting ready about a half hour ago, just needed to wait on Alice. She was doing her hair and makeup. I don't know why, I think she looked perfect the way she was. Of course I wouldn't say that though, she loves doing her makeup and making her hair look all curly and pretty, I wouldn't want to take that away from her.

"What do you think babe?" She looked at me, and I smiled "You look perfect mi amor" she smiled widely, a hint of red in her cheeks. God she was so beautiful, if only there were more words on the earth to describe it. I was lost in thought when I heard her get up, and my eyes followed her. She grabbed some clothes and began changing. I couldn't tear my eyes away, her body was beautiful. I noticed her looking at me "Please don't stare.." she looked rather uncomfortable "Can I not look at my beautiful girlfriend?" I got up and walked over to her "I know my body isn't "pretty" Larry.. I'm big, not pretty." I was taken aback. She's normally so confident and doesn't care about what others say about her. "Alice you listen to me carefully. I don't care what you look like. Your perfect in my eyes. Your mine, that's what matters. And this-" I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close "Is beautiful."

She looked at me with tears in her eyes, but after a moment she backed up and softly hit me "DAMMIT I CANT RUIN MY MAKEUP MAN!" I laughed. "Whatever you say Ali."

Alice pov

Once we were all ready, we left and made our way to the party. All talking and laughing in conversation. I looked to Sal and Dija, and Sal seemed a bit weary to come along, i know however, that even if he doesn't want to, he's going to go to make sure Dija is safe. I saw her grab his hand and give him a soft smile, and he seemed to relax.

Soon enough we got to the party, and before we we got inside, we could hear the music blasting from the house. I grabbed Dija and ran inside, running straight for the drink table. We took a couple shots and decided to go dance.

Larry pov

The girls disappeared into the crowd of the party, so I stuck close with Sal. I grabbed a drink and took a sip "I don't understand why you guys like that stuff." I chuckled "Because it helps us forget our problems for a little while. Your more than welcome to try it." I offered him my cup, and he hesitantly took it. He looked around to make sure no one was looking, then lifted his mask to take a sip. Within seconds he gagged and handed me my drink back "That's fucking disgusting man!" I laughed "Nah, your just not used to alcohol. Maybe you prefer something with a bit more of a sweet taste." He rolled his eyes and I grabbed him something else. He took it and took a drink, this time, he didn't toss it away. I smiled as he kept drinking it.

Soon enough he kept getting more of them. And we ended up sitting on the couch together getting drunk and laughing at every little thing. I finally spotted the girls in the crowd, and I grabbed Sal and walked over to them, well, more stumbled really. "Why hello there pretty lady, how are you doing tonight?" Alice looked at me and giggled "Why hellooooo handsome how are youuuu" she smirked. I felt my face get hot, and that only made Alices's smirk grow. I looked away, but she grabbed my chin to make me look at her "Aw come on handsome, why you looking away from all this?" Without thinking, I let go of Sal and picked her up, bringing her to the couch.

Dija pov

I saw the boys come over, and Larry began talking to Alice. I looked at Sal, who seemed off. He was being very quiet, and just stared at the ground. All of a sudden Larry just dropped him and left to the couch with Alice. I knelt down next to him "Salll? You okay?" He looked up at me, and I could immediately tell he was drunk. "Babyyyyy" he whined. I sighed and helped him up, walking over to the couch. I sat him down and looked at Larry, then smacked him on the head "You got my-" *hick* "boyfriend drunk!?" Larry held his head and whined "He wanted toooo" I rolled my eyes and looked at Sal, who was now crying "I got Larry in trouble.. I'm sorry!" I facepalmed and decided it was time for us all to go home. We were all drunk off our asses, but with Sal, it's probably best we get him home before god knows what happens.

Soon we took our leave, stumbling down the streets as we went. We decided to stroll through the park, and god it was a nightmare. Larry started dancing on a light pole while Alice laughed her ass off. Sal began flirting with a tree, it wasn't even good flirting, and me? I was wishing I was the tree. Eventually some people came and we ran off back to the apartments, laughing all the way. We decided to stay at my place, since there wouldn't be any parents to get mad at us.

As soon as we got there, I don't know what came over me, but within seconds all my clothes fell on the floor "Fuck these clothes!" Everyone stared at me, then Larry covered his eyes "AH NAKED GIRL!" And ran into Alice's room. Alice laughed "YEAH FREE THEM TITTIES BITCH!" Then I looked to Sal, and noticed he wasn't taking his eyes off me, examining every inch of my body. I couldn't help but turn red in the face. Why am I embarrassed? I'm the one who took my clothes off without thinking- and he's my boyfriend shouldn't this be what he is supposed to do? Alice just kept cheering me on and chanting things about freeing all kinds of body parts.

By the end of the night we all decided to go to bed. Alice went to her room to comfort a traumatized Larry, who wouldn't remember a thing in the morning, and I took Sal's hand and brought him to my room. I took his mask off and sat it down on the nightstand before getting myself into bed. I didn't bother putting clothes back on, seeing as I was just going to sleep. After a moment I felt the bed sink, and looked over to see Sal lay down behind me, wrapping his arms around me. I smiled and he smiled back, burying his face in my shoulder. After awhile we both fell asleep, and I dreamt about all the fun things that happened tonight.

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