Chapter 12

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Alice pov

A few months have passed since our fight, and we are back to our relationship, better than ever. Our whole group is back to hanging out together all the time, unfortunately that included Ashley, but I couldn't care less anymore. Sal and Dija have also made their relationship public. Finally. When they told us we pretended we had no clue, and congratulated them for a while. We've even gone on a couple double dates! Nothing too special. Simple movie dates or going to the park. But it was nice. It felt right, like everything in life had just fallen into place.

Me and Dija were sitting in math class, passing notes about how bored we were, and how weird Mrs. Packerton was. She announced we would have a test tomorrow, and I could see Dija visibly sulk. She looked like she was about to cry, and I couldn't help but laugh. With that, the bell rang signaling for lunch to begin. We grabbed our things and met up with the boys before going into the cafeteria.

We got our food and sat down, starting to eat. To no one's surprise, Ash came and joined us. She tried sitting between Sal and Dija, but she moved closer to him, nearly knocking Ash back to the floor. I had to hold in a laugh, because seeing Ash not be able to go after Sal anymore made her so mad, and she didn't know what to do. Finally she just sat down next to Todd and began eating. For once, though she was around, lunch was pretty peaceful. Sal of course hid under the blanket Dija got him, but she sat under it with him as they ate. It was cute that he still uses it. She really cares for him, and it shows. It did even before they started dating. She was always looking out for him, with his face, Travis, Ash, everything. However I've never really seen him stand up for her on anything. Whenever someone would flirt with her, make jokes, when Travis would make a comment, and even when Ash would try and flirt with him. It honestly made me a bit upset. But I digress, it's not my place or my business to say anything.

After lunch as Dija got up, I could tell she was a bit irritated, probably because of Ashley's earlier actions. I didn't blame her, Ash is like a mosquito sucking on anyone she thinks she can get her hands on. Ash walked with Sal to their final class they had together, and once again she was so obviously flirting with him. Dija noticed and became very upset. I went to say something, but she walked off before I could. I sighed and just went to class.

After school I was walking through the halls and overheard a conversation. It was between Sal and Dija. I hid close by to listen, and I was taken aback by the fact that she was raising her voice at him. "Dija I don't understand why your so upset, I obviously don't want her, and that should be clear to you.." she rolled her eyes "That's the thing though. SHE doesn't seem to care your with ME! She still continues to flirt or do what she can to get you away from me, and you don't ever do a thing to stop her.." she sighed, and I could hear her voice crack when she spoke. I continued to watch the two throughout the conversation, until she finally walked away. I looked at Sal, and I could see tears falling from under his mask.

I decided to walk over to him "Hey.. are you okay?" He quickly straightened himself and nodded "Yeah.. just realized I fucked up. I don't know what to do Alice, I'm no good with this kind of thing. What if she dumps me? What if she never wants to talk to me again? What if-!" I cut him off. "Sal, she is in love with you" his eyes widened "She.. loves me?" I nodded "She's frustrated yes, but you have to show her she doesn't need to be. Ash makes her insecure, and Travis makes her feel like she shouldn't exist." I could see his eyes sadden "I.. had no idea.." he clenched his fists and went to say something, but he was cut off by the sound of screaming coming from down the hall. We quickly rushed to the crowd forming and in the center was Dija and Travis. Just like that day last year. They were arguing about Sal, something Travis had said. "I don't know what makes you act like you do, but your nothing special church boy! Daddy obviously never taught you how to be kind to others, and keep someone name out of your filthy little mouth!" Those words really seemed to piss Travis off, within seconds, he was on top of her, hitting her, punching her, you name it, he was doing it. I looked over to Sal, and I don't think I've ever seen him look so angry. He was shaking at the sight of his girlfriend before him, getting beat, and to our shock, she wasn't fighting back. It hurt me to see her like that..

Sal pov

I couldn't take it anymore. I ran through the crowd and threw Travis off of Dija. I stood between them and Travis just looked at me, a bit confused, and it quickly turned to hatred "What do you want homo?" He said sternly "One, not gay, this lovely woman you were just beating on, is my girlfriend. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, I'm just not" I stared at him, my eyes filled with anger "I don't know why you think beating a woman is okay, especially when she has done nothing, and isn't even fighting back. What's that say about you huh? Really makes you look like an asshole don't ya think?" I turned to Dija, who had a shocked look on her face. It made me sad to see her so beaten up. Marks and bruises all over her. "Sal look out!" I quickly turned back around, only to be met by a fist.

Dija quickly got up and came between us, while Larry, late as always, showed up to shove Travis away and disperse the crowd. I looked over to Alice, who was just staring at me. I reached up to my face, and felt nothing covering it. My eyes darted to the floor where my mask laid, some blood sitting on the inside from me getting hit. I quickly began freaking out, trying to pick up my mask, but Dija stopped me. "Sal, it's okay, she won't freak out." I looked at her nearly in tears, but nodded and looked to Alice. She walked up to me, and after a moment, pulled me into a hug "I'm glad your okay" my eyes widened, and I could hear her mutter something under her breath "Thank you for helping her.." within seconds, a smile appeared on my face. I pulled away from the hug and turned to Dija, who was cleaning the blood from my mask. She looked over to me, and used her sleeve to wipe my face. "Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself Di.." she shook her head "I'm more worried about you." I sighed and let her do what she wanted. After we were done getting the situation dealt with, we finally went home.

Me and Dija sat in her room, watching something random on tv and laying on her bed. I felt her turn over, and when I looked at her, I was met by her eyes. She reached up and took off my mask, setting it to the side. I smiled as she cupped my cheek. "I'm sorry about earlier Di, I should have been sticking up for you, and I'm sorry if I made you feel less important.." she simply shook her head "In the end, you did stick up for me. That's what matters. Thank you." I went wide eyed. She wasn't angry with me anymore? But all I did was push Travis away.. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a sudden pressure on my lips. I looked and saw she was kissing me. I relaxed and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to me. After a minute or so, we pulled away, and I stroked her hair as I held her. "Dija.. I need to tell you something. But please, don't feel weirded out.." she looked at me "Hmm?" I sighed and tensed up. She noticed this however, and sat up "Sal your scaring me.." I sat up and scratched the back of my head "Dija, I'm in love with you. I didn't know how to put it into words before, but I'm saying it now, I love you.." I knew she loved me, Alice told me, but at the same time, she may not be ready to say it yet. There was a long silence, and I took that as my answer. I sighed and looked down. "Dammit.. now I look like an idiot." I mumbled. "No you don't Sal." She took my hand, and I looked up at her "I love you too Sally." She smiled warmly, and I couldn't help but do the same.

That night we fell asleep holding one another. Enjoying the presence of the other next to us. Life was perfect, I hope this never changes.

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