Chapter 27

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Hey yall. I'm going to put a tw for this chapter. The entire game is pretty bad, but this chapter talks about major depression, lack of caring for one's self, and a brief eating disorder mention.


Alice pov

It's been about two years since Sal's execution. Dija's state has only seemed to get worse, and nothing seems to help, whatever we try, just doesn't work. Gizmo just stays in the room with her, it's like he knows what happened.

I sighed and knocked on Dija's door "Hey Dij, today is the day, are you coming?" There was shuffling, then the door opened. I looked at Dija, and she looked horrible. She hasn't showered in a little while, and she's practically skin and bone at this point. I felt bad for her, but at the same time, she has gotten over her parents death to the point it doesn't really bother her, I just don't understand why it isn't the same now. "Where are we going?" I blinked "Dij, for the anniversary of his death- we are going to our picnic spot. We told you this Dija." "Yeah, right... right." She rubbed her face "Yeah um, just let me change and I'll be ready." "Yeah um, why don't you just shower okay? We can wait for you." She blankly stared at me and just nodded, walking to the bathroom to shower.

Larry pov

I got a look at Dija before she went into the bathroom. She looked horrible. Sals death has really taken a toll on her, I feel so bad.. However Alice doesn't seem to comprehend how it's affecting her. She is saying how she's become such a slob, and just doesn't care about herself anymore. And I completely understand how Dija feels. With as much as she has lost over the years, this was just the icing on the fucking cake for her, her final straw to just shut down.

Soon, she was finished with her shower, and it was nice to see her just a bit cleaned up. We grabbed our things and went on our way. Going to our favorite cafe for food, and then to our picnic spot. We all sat down and began eating, as we did, Alice and I talked, trying to include Dija into the conversation as well, however she didn't seem interested, which I don't blame her for.

Dija pov

I sat there in silence, eating the first meal I've had in a long time. I just have nothing to keep me going at this point, so caring for myself seems more like a chore. I've heard all of Alice and Ash's comments, and do my best to ignore them, but they do make me feel worse. It makes me feel bad, for missing him. The fact it's been two years, and I still miss him, more than anything, I know I'm going to hear something about it later. I watched as the couple talked and laughed, and it made me wish I could have that too..

I pushed my food to the side, not feeling up to eating anymore. Alice looked at me and rolled her eyes "Seriously? We bought you the food and your not even going to finish it?" I heard her scoff, and I looked away.

Larry pov

I elbowed Alice in the side, causing her to slightly cry out in pain. "What the fuck Larry!?" I sighed and motioned to Dija, who clearly looked upset by her comment. But she didn't seem to understand. I decided it best if we end the picnic early, I hate to, because this is the one time I really truly let myself mourn, but I don't need the girls fighting.

We packed up and went home, Dija going straight to her room. I went over to Alice "Why did you say that to her?" She looked at me "If she isn't going to be thankful that we bought her something I'm going to speak up about it. It isn't my fault she dropped college and refuses to get a fucking job!" I stared at her in shock. She never acts this way, especially not with Dija. "Are you serious! She lost the love of her life and your upset that she's still in mourning?!" She rolled her eyes "Yeah, I am actually. At this point she's living off of all of us, and she has been for two years." "It's not like eats any of the food! You and Ash have driven her into an eating disorder!" She sighed "No we didn't, I wouldn't do that to her." I was baffled at the utter bullshit spewing from her mouth. I put my hands up and walked away angrily. I wasn't about to argue with her over something she can't understand.

Dija pov

I laid on the bed, cuddling with Gizmo. Other than the Sun peaking through the curtains slightly, the room was dark. I stared at the ceiling, letting myself zone out. I have been reliving that day for the past two years, and I just can't stop.. no matter how hard I try. I can't do it.

A little while later, my door opened without so much as a knock, and I knew it was Alice "Dija." I looked at her, not saying a word. "You need to get the fuck up and pull yourself together! It's been two years, grow up!" I stared at her, I don't know why, but in that moment, I decided I had enough. "Easy for you to say Alice! You haven't lost your parents! Both of them on the same night when you were still in fucking highschool! You didn't have your boyfriend break up with you because you were moving away to college and he couldn't take it! YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND DIDNT KILL EVERYONE YOU FUCKING LOVED AND THEN BE SENTENCED TO DEATH FOR IT! AND NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU FOUGHT, NO MATTER WHO IT WAS AGAINST, HE STILL DIED!" She went wide eyed "Yeah well I almost lost Larry-" "BUT YOU DIDNT ALICE! YOU DIDNT EVEN FUCKING SAVE HIM! I DID! I HAVE BEEN THERE FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME IN RETURN!" "Oh my god get over yourself, I am your sister! I'm trying to help you!" I glared at her "No. your not my sister. You haven't been my sister since the day Sal was executed. You've done nothing but taunt and tease me, making me feel like utter shit. Your no better than Ashley." With that, I grabbed my bag that was pre packed in case I went somewhere else to stay for a night or two, and just left.

I walked around for what seemed like hours, until I stumbled upon the Phelps church. I decided to stop by and try to talk to Travis, he's the only one who actually listens to me right now. I walked inside, and saw Travis, as well as his father talking at the alter. "Travis.." he looked over and went wide eyed "Dija!?" He ran over to me and took my bag "I- I need somewhere to stay... I can't be at home anymore... I don't think I can ever go back..." Mr. Phelps walked over to me "I may have a way to help you deary, however there are a few conditions you must follow." Travis looked between me and his father, and began shaking his head "Dad no please, don't bring her on board... please I'm begging you!" But he ignored his pleas, continuing to stare at me "What are the conditions?" He smirked at me, and began leading me to a room.

"Well one, you must be married into the family. It's just the rules of our- group. Two, you will not be allowed to have contact with your friends or family ever again. So you will be faking your death, can't have them finding you. Third, your life belongs to me. I do as I please. If I say to do something, you do it then and there. If I decide to kill you, you accept it with no questions asked." I stared at him wide eyed and we stopped in front of a door. I thought about it for a moment, because I didn't want to leave all of my friends behind... my parents... but I can't take my own life anymore... at least here... maybe I'll have something to live for... "I'm in." And he laughed mischievously, opening the door in front of us. Everything after that passed like a blur.

Alice pov

I'm used to her running off at this point. She will leave for days on end and come back just to go into her room. Same routine all the time. I sighed as I turned on the news, making myself some dinner. I wasn't paying to much attention, until I heard a name. I quickly looked over to the tv, seeing a picture of Dija being displayed on the screen "Dija Onenya has been found dead just outside the lake of Nockfell. It is a very sad day, for she was beloved by many, and was even a top pick to be a famous writer for screenwriting." My eyes welled with tears. "No. No no no no no! FUCK! NO!" I was freaking out.

Larry ran into the room "Alice what's wrong!?" I pointed to the tv, and his eyes saddened, more than I've ever seen before. "Oh Dija..." he said sadly. I couldn't help but feel guilty. I didn't realize what I was saying affected her that much... "The last words she said to me were about how I wasn't her sister... and how I haven't been in two years.... Dammit Dija why did you have to leave us too!" Larry held me as we cried. We cried in the same spot for hours, mourning yet another death within our family.


Hey y'all! The chapter picture is something my friend drew! I just colored it. Anyways hope your enjoying the story so far!

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