Chapter 4

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Alice pov

After the incidents that occurred during lunch, we decided to leave Dija alone. I feel kind of bad about it, but she didn't seem in the mood for friends. We all sat there in silence, eating our lunch, and thinking about what had happened. Moment later Ash decided to join us. I rolled my eyes, but the boys seemed happy she came over, got more chipper. They began talking and I just wasn't in the mood for her at the moment, so I finished my lunch and left.

After school I noticed Dija didn't wait up, so I decided to head home without everyone. It gave me some time to think, which is something I haven't been able to do much of since I've been with all of the group, and I can't say I missed it. Once I got back to the apartments, I decided to invite Dija over to hang out, have dinner with me and my parents. I went up and knocked on her door, and a few moments later was greeted by her mother "Oh hello dear, may I help you?" "Yes, I'm Alice, one of Dija's friends. I was wondering if she was free?" She nodded "Dija, Alice is here!"

Dija came out of her room, looking tired, and walked up to the door. I waved at her and she nodded her head in response. "What's up Alice?" "I wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner with my family and I tonight?" She smiled and nodded, and we were on our way. Once we got to my apartment, we sat on the couch and put on a movie. She noticed some pictures on the side table and picked one up "Is this you?" I nodded "Yup! Me with my dads! We grew up here and it's been such a nice little town to live in" she smiled a bit "Your parents seem lovely" I gave a small smile as she sat the picture back down.

A little while later my parents returned home with some bags "Oh hello, Alice who's your friend?" "This is Dija, she lives on floor four" She waved at them and they smiled "Well it's nice to meet you, are you joining us for dinner? We are making Chicken Alfredo with sweet rolls" I look over to Dija, who's eyes were glimmering with excitement, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Throughout dinner, Dija and my parents were talking about my life, and how I grew up. To my dismay, they told her everything. I mean EVERYTHING about my life as a kid. "One time, she was doing her school Christmas musical, and her voice got so high, it made the microphone screech, oh it was so funny, and her red face was just the cutest thing in the world." I hid my face "Daaaaad stop!" My parents laughed, and Dija smiled. It was nice to see her having a good time, especially with what had happened today.

After dinner my father went up to her "Dear it looks like you have a black eye forming, let's get you some ice yeah?" She nodded and went with my father. My dad, who was still at the table with me, turned to look at me "She seems like a nice girl hunny. I'm glad your back out there making friends. We were worried about you" I sighed. I haven't had conversations like this with him in a while, and as much as I hate to, it was nice. "I'm happy your finally back with your old friends as well, they missed you ya know" I smiled "Yeah, I know.. I just.. needed some time for myself. But I'm doing better now. Thanks dad" he smiled at me and offered a hug. I got up and went over to hug him "What do you say we invite Dija to stay over, and all of us make a fort in the living room and watch movies yeah?" I smiled ear to ear and giggled "Sounds perfect dad, and thank you again"

After my father and Dija were finished, we all set up a fort and loaded any free space around us with snacks and drinks, all in the junk food category of course. Me and Dija stayed close to each other that night, enjoying the company of one another, and being around my parents made us feel like sister, at least for me. With the movie ending, we both fell asleep, and took in the amazing night we just had.


This chapter was mainly for my friend, she was having a bad day so I wanted to cheer her up, home you enjoyed!!

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