Chapter 9

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Hey y'all! Author here checking to tell you it's been about a year since the last event from the previous chapter. So new school year and everything! That's all, just wanted to preface that! Now then... let the story continue!

Alice pov

It's been fairly calm over the past year, other than Travis being well- Travis. Other than him though, it's been mostly tame. This year, Dija decided to start trying out for the school drama club, and I am definitely rooting for her. She seems so passionate about it, and I'm glad she found what she wants to do with her life.

We all stood outside, talking and waiting for Dija. She had an audition for the production they were starting. We weren't exactly sure what it was, since it hadn't been released yet, but I for one know she will get a role. A little while later, Dija walked over to us, her head hanging. "Hey Dija! Did you get a part?" Sal asked. She handed us a paper, and we looked down at it. It read "Dear Dija Onenya, I am pleased to congratulate you on landing the staring role of The Tragedy! I am happy to have you join our family!" We all stared wide eyed, and I looked up to her "Is this real?" She nodded, and all of a sudden her demeanor changed. She was jumping with joy and screaming happily. Not to long after we all joined her, congratulating her on this achievement. "Di, this is huge! Your gonna do amazing!" I said, and she smiled "Thank you Ali, god I'm so excited. It's the first time I've performed in a little over a year.." Larry wrapped his arm around her "Your gonna be great Dija, and we will all be rooting for ya in the front row!"

We decided to go out to dinner to celebrate. We went to our favorite fast food restaurant, and of course we had to make it a picnic. We hadn't had any in a while, so it was a nice change to things. We got our food, went to our spot, and set everything up. After we all sat down, Dija pulled something out of her bag.

Dija pov

I opened my bag and pulled out a big light blue blanket, and had dinosaurs randomly spread over it. I looked at Sal and handed it to him. He looked at me confused "I know you don't like having your mask off when we are here, so I got you this! To help you feel more comfortable, and so you wouldn't have to keep using a hoodie! Sorry if it's a bit childish, it's the only one they had left." I have an awkward chuckle, but he just smiled "Thank you Dija.. this means a lot." He put the blanket over him, then lifted it up, offering me to sit under it with him. I smiled and scooted closer, and he dropped the blanket over us gently, making sure his face would be covered. I could hear Larry whining "Not fair! Why does she get to chill under the blanket with Sal!" He huffed, and moments later I heard him cry in pain, and Alice laughing. I couldn't help but chuckle. When I looked back at Sal, he had already taken his mask off. He grabbed some of his food, and though it was hesitant, began eating. I just began eating along with him, starting up conversation to try and make him feel more comfortable. Eventually, he seemed to relax, and was engaging fully with me. As he talked, I stared at his face. Despite what's happened to him, he still looks perfect. I hate that he hides away behind that mask.. I was taken from my thoughts when he caught me staring, and looked away, a hint of sadness in his eyes "Sorry- I got caught up in the conversation, I'm sure you find this weird. Probably not the best thing to see while you eat.." I went wide eyed "Sal no, I promise you, your face is perfect. It doesn't matter how it looks, what's happened, your you, and some scars and missing parts aren't going to ever make me feel sick or disgusted by you!"

Sal pov

I sat there shocked Did she really say I look.. perfect? Does she really not think I'm a freak? I looked into her eyes, and they seemed so genuine, not a hint of fear or disgust in her eyes. That made me relax, knowing I had someone who would stay by me even while knowing how much of a monster I am..

Soon we all finished eating, and I put my mask back on before pulling off the blanket. "Hey, let's go back to my place and watch a movie! My moms not home so we can use the living room tv!" Larry pipped up excitedly. We all nodded in agreement and packed up, walking back home in a peaceful silence. As we walked, I noticed Dija seemed awkward walking next to me. After a moment I felt something brush my hand, and I looked down to see hers. Was she.. trying to hold my hand? No way, she doesn't like me that way, she wouldn't.. would she? I suddenly felt brave, and when no one was looking, gently took her hand in mine. I avoided looking at her, I didn't want to embarrass myself in case she thought I was weird, but as we walked, she didn't move her hand. The rest of the walk was done with us holding hands and everyone silent. The only sounds heard were of passing cards and some birds singing.

Once we got to the apartments I let go of Dija's hand. I didn't want the group to assume something was going on if nothing was going to happen. We made our way to Larry's place and met up with Ash on the way. As always I was the only one to actually greet her genuinely. I told her about our movie plans and she smiled "That sounds fun! What are you guys watching?" We all shrugged "Dija is picking since we are celebrating her today" Alice chimed. "What are you celebrating?" Dija sighed "I got the staring role in the school play.." Ash smirked "Oh congratulations! Seems fitting though right?" We all looked at her confused "What do you mean fitting Ash?" I asked, a bit concerned about her answer "Well, I guess you guys haven't heard about the play yet" she giggled "The main role's parents die from a horrible accident! And I mean, just last year Dija lost her parents in that horrible storm. Such a tragic story really. But I'm sure the teacher picked her for the role because she can truly use her real emotions when doing her part, you know, with shared trauma and all" I stood there in shock. How could she say something like that. I quickly turned to Dija, who had tears in her eyes.

Alice pov

I was filled with anger. Ash had a lot of nerve saying what she did. I couldn't stop myself. I walked up to her and threw her to the ground, punching her repeatedly until Larry pulled me off. I looked over to see Dija running off, and I quickly followed after her. We ended up taking the stairs all the way to Larry's place. I took her to his room and we sat on the bed. This time, I just held her and let her cry. Jokes were not going to help her with this. After she cried for awhile, I heard the door open and saw Larry and Sal standing in the hallway. I motioned for them to come in, and Sal walked over to the bed, while Larry sat on his beanbag chair. Sal put his hand on her back "Don't listen to her Di, you got that role because of how good you are, not because of your past. Just remember that. She isn't worth it." I sat there a bit taken aback. Sal has never talked bad on Ash before. He's always been so infatuated with her, I wonder what happened.

Dija sat up and looked at them, the wiped her tears. After a moment she put on a smile "Let's get the movie started yeah?" I couldn't help but smile. Being around him just seems to cheer her up. I just hope she realizes that before it's too late.

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