Chapter 34

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Sal pov

It's been about a year or so since Dija and I got engaged. We have been planning for the past few months, and now it is the day that I have been waiting for, for the past fourteen years. Our wedding day. I had Larry, Travis, and Todd in the room with me while we were getting ready. We were all just kind of chilling while listening to Sanity's fall, and Larry was getting high. I didn't mind, as long as he was sober enough to behave during the wedding, at least until the drinks come out.

I was doing my hair, though I was really just brushing it out to not look so crazy. I noticed Travis get up and walk over to where I was in the mirror, and he sat next to me "Well, how are you feeling?" I sighed "Honestly, I am terrified man. I mean hell I haven't been married before, I was dead for five years, and the girl I am marrying is the girl I've been in love with since I was fifteen.." He chuckled "Well, getting married can make even the bravest men crumble. However,  I know you two will have a great life together, and it is definitely time to tie the knot. Don't you agree guys?" He looked over at Larry and Todd, and they both nodded, Larry raising his joint "Hey hey to that brother." I laughed "Alright everyone, let's get ready and head over to the venue." 

Dija pov

I was getting my hair and makeup done, while Alice was taking pictures and videos "Alice, I'm not even ready yet, why are you recording me?" she smiled "Because, this is a precious moment for you. I want it documented!" I chuckled and rolled my eyes. There were a couple other girls that I had befriended from work with us as well, who were also getting ready. 

God I was so nervous, the butterflies in my stomach were insane. I couldn't believe me of all people was getting married, and to someone who has had my heart since I was still practically a child! What if I make a fool of myself..What if my makeup or hair looks bad and I don't know.. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Alice spoke up "Now that your hair and makeup is done, it's time for you to get into your dress and do the first look with us and the boys! Well- minus Sal of course." She giggled, and I nodded as they all left. I sighed and stood up, walking over to where I was keeping my dress. I changed into it, and looked down at the gown. "It is a very pretty dress." I smiled, then walked over in front of the mirror. I looked into it, and my eyes widened "Is" I stared at myself in awe, I couldn't believe the person I was seeing. 

After a few minutes of staring, I shook my head, and walked out of the room, heading towards the spot we were all meeting at for the first look. I saw everyone facing the opposite direction, and I walked up behind them "Hey guys" a few of the shifted on response, waiting for the go ahead to turn around. "You can turn around now everyone." One by one, they all turned to face me, and their faces lit up. However, there were two people who made me feel special. When Larry and Alice saw me, their whole emotions changed. "Dija... You look so beautiful!" Alice said with tears in her eyes. "You look wonderful Dija, truly a sight for sore eyes." Larry said in awe. I could feel my eyes welling with tears as everyone complimented me. 

Soon, it was time to get into place for the ceremony, so we all lined up, ready to lead the path into the next stage in my life. The music began to play, and slowly, the pairs were sent out one by one. First was Alice, who was my maid of honor, and Larry, who was Sal's best man. Next was Sasha and Travis, and finally Emily and Todd. Alice and I's dads were there to walk me down the isle, and I couldn't be happier. As the music picked up, it was my cue to go. Without a second thought, I began walking towards the pastor, towards my friends, and towards Sal. I met his gaze as I walked, and noticed he was crying, and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. I made my way up, and the music faded out. Sal took my hands and we faced one another. Travis was acting as our officiant, and opened his bible. "Now, I know you two aren't religious, so I won't take many words from the book, however I will say, how happy I am to wed the two of you under the light of god. In this beautiful lakeside venue, the amazing decor, and the perfect dress choice. It couldn't be a more perfect day." I smiled, and felt Sal squeeze my hands. 

"Now, I will have the bride and groom say their vows. Dija, why don't you go first." I nodded and sighed, holding his ring in my hand. I looked him in the eyes, and smiled softly "Sal, that day, when you ran into me outside the apartments, was the day I knew I was going to fall in love with you. You were always so caring towards me, it was something I didn't get much as a kid. You trusted me enough to have your mask off around me, and I can't tell you how happy that made me.." He gave me a soft smile "And when I had lost you that day, I didn't know how to live with myself. I am so happy that I was able to bring you back, and that I can be with you once again." I placed the ring on his finger and grabbed his hands again.

Sal pov 

I was in awe by her words. She really knew just what to say at any given moment. I smiled and grabbed her ring, looking to the guests, then to her. "I am not sure I could follow that up" I chuckled "But hopefully I can find the right words to say, just as you did." She smiled at me cheekily "It took a little longer for me to admit to myself that I liked you. Honestly I was scared you would judge me like everyone else had before. I still can't say I am comfortable without my mask, however I know if you're with me, I won't ever have to worry about what other people think again." I took a deep breath "While I was in an- in between like state, if you could call it that- I couldn't imagine what you could be going through, and that I couldn't have been there to help you. Once you brought me back, the only thing I could think about was making sure I never lost you again. So here I am, standing here now, making sure that you will be by my side for the rest of our lives." I gave her a smile, and I could see tears in her eyes. I placed the ring on her finger, and held her hands tightly in mine. 

"That was beautiful, both of you." Travis smiled "Now then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" I pulled Dija close, dipped her, and kissed her softly, but made sure it was full of passion. The guests cheered loudly, but I could tell our friends were cheering the loudest. I picked Dija up and ran with her down the isle towards the girls hang out where they got ready. It was time for pictures, so we got the bridal party together, and took some. Then we had just our original group, and man those pictures turned out amazing. 

Dija pov

After pictures, it was time for me to change into a simpler dress for the reception. There wasn't much planned, for everyone wanted to just party. Didn't want to get any more sappy than we already had. Once I changed, we went back to the venue and blasted music. Everyone was drinking, some were smoking, and others were just engaging in conversation. 

As the night went on, I heard a familiar voice call my name. I turned around to see Charlie walking over to me and Sal. I smiled, but I felt Sal tightly grip my hand. I looked at him "Sal that hurts.." I whispered, but he didn't seem to hear me. Charlie stood in front of us and gave a warm smile "Hey guys, hows your day going? Good I hope, seeing as it is your wedding day." he chuckled. I smiled and nodded "Yes, it has been a wonderful day. How have you been? I haven't seen you since high school." He looked between Sal and I "I have been well. Just came to congratulate you on your marriage." He smiled and turned to leave. 

I looked at Sal "What in the world was that about Sal, why were you acting like that. You hurt my hand, all he was doing was talking with me. Congratulating us on getting married. And you acted like an asshole." He sighed "I'm sorry, but you don't understand what he did all those years ago.. Can we please not fight about this, I would rather not fight on our special night.." He looked nervous, and I sighed "Alright, but we are going to talk about it eventually okay?" He nodded.

Throughout the rest of the night, we all partied hard and enjoyed the company of one another. Once the sun was coming up, we all left and went home. Once we got their, we went up to our rooms, changed, and all passed out on our beds. Dreaming of the fun night we had just been through. 

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