Chapter 18

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Dija pov

God can this day get any fucking worse.. first my drama teacher, then Travis.. Sals sick- what's next! I sighed as I sat down in my math class. God I fucking hated this teacher. At least with Packerton she was nice, and tried her best to help me. I pulled out my homework from last night and sat it on my desk, waiting for the teacher to come pick it up. Soon everyone pulled into the room, taking their seats, and grabbing their homework. I noticed some of them didn't even have their papers done I guess they don't care if they have a bad grade.. must be nice not to care. The teacher came and collected our papers, and started the lesson.

A little while later, we were doing our class work, when I was called up to his desk. "Yes sir?" He sighed and pulled down his glasses, staring at me "Dija, I'm very disappointed in you. I've explained this a thousand times, and you still can't get it right." I blinked That can't be right.. I know I got them correct.. at least most of them.. Alice helped me with it. I looked down at his desk, and noticed someone else's paper. They had the same answers that I did, well almost all the same answers. "Uh- sir. By the looks of it, I got almost all of them right. Why does my paper have an F on it, while they have an A?" He quickly hid the papers "Because I have to push you. I've heard many things about you Miss Onenya, and math is one of your worst subjects. If I don't push you, failing you is the only way you'll learn. Your not smart, so I have to do my job as your teacher to make you do your best." He shooed me away from his desk, and I silently went back to my seat. God I fucking hate him, who the hell does he think he is! Just because I was bad at math in the past, he fails me when I get almost everything right! I put my head down and try to ignore everything around me for the remainder of class.

After the bell rang, I just went home. I couldn't deal with school anymore. Once I got home, I set my bag down and fell to the floor. I silently cried and held myself, I couldn't make a sound, no matter how much I tried. I heard Sal walk out of my room "Dija! Are you okay?" I looked up at him, and as he ran over, he collapsed to the ground "Sal!"

Sal pov

I felt myself hit the floor. Dija was screaming at me, but I couldn't understand a word. She grabbed the phone and called someone, I assume it was the hospital, probably asking what she could do. However, I did hear one thing "I'll try to keep him awake until you get here, just please hurry! I don't know what to do!" I quickly forced myself up "I am not. Going to the hospital Dija!" "Yes you are! You just collapsed! Your going whether you like it or not dammit!" I went to say something, but fell weak again. She quickly rushed to my side and held me up. She took off my mask and took me to the bathroom, putting a cold, damp towel on my face. I was shaking. Not only from whatever the hell was going on with me, but dammit I couldn't go back.. Not to that dreadful place.. As she went to change the towel, I felt the world go black, and the last thing I remember was her screaming out to me, before there was silence.

Alice pov

We arrived at the hospital as soon as we could. Dija was there, pacing in the waiting room. I ran up and hugged her tight, and she just broke down in my arms. I didn't ask her anything, and just let her cry, she didn't need my words right now, all she needed was her sister to keep her company. I took her to a bench and we sat down, Larry following close behind, leaning against a wall.

We waiting for what seemed like hours, until a nurse finally came over to us "Hi, your here for mister Fisher yes?" We nodded "He's doing fine. He neglected to take care of himself, which is why he ended up in that state. Only thing wrong now is his anxiety, won't let anyone in." I looked at Dija, and her eyes were completely empty. Like everything in her world just shattered. Today must have really done something, I've never seen her like this before..

"It's my fault... I shouldn't have brought him here.. he's never going to forgive me..." Dija whispered as we sat back down "Dija, if you didn't bring him here, he couldn't have gotten worse, and he wouldn't have been okay." She shook her head "No! He hates hospitals! He's traumatized remember!? From the events of his childhood? His face? He ended up here, in a hospital, and he's been haunted by it ever since!" I sighed. She cares so much for him, and doesn't understand that she probably just saved his life. I decided it best to bring her home, and have Larry stay until Sal was discharged, try and calm her down a bit.

Once we got home, I brought her to her room, and laid her down, tucking her in "Try and take a nap okay? Sal will be here by the time you wake up." I smiled and left the room, closing the door behind me. I sighed and laid on the couch with Lady "What am I gonna do with her huh? She's a wreck, and I have no clue what the whole story is.." Lady whined and laid down on top of me, cuddling up to me the best she could. I simply wrapped my arms around her, and soon drifted off to sleep.

Larry pov

Sal finally got discharged, and I'd never seen him so happy to leave somewhere. "You okay buddy?" He nodded "Yeah, my anxiety has gone down a lot, so I'm doing better" I looked at him "Dija blames herself ya know. For you getting so sick, making your anxiety go up with the hospital causing you to black out." He looked at me wide eyed "She does..." he looked away, and I nodded "I'd talk to her when you get back, she looked like she needed it today, even before that." "She was crying when she got home. I was trying to make sure she was alright, and I collapsed..." he sighed "Damn I'm no good at this whole boyfriend thing." "Sal, from what I've seen, your an amazing boyfriend. Just because your sickness made you pass out, and making it to where you couldn't ask if she was okay, doesn't mean your bad." He looked at me for a moment, then nodded.

Soon we got back, and he went straight for Dija's room.

Sal pov

When I walked into the room, I noticed her sleeping. I walked over and sat on the bed, and noticed she had been crying again. I sighed and just laid down with her. "Hey.." she said "Hey, are you alright?" She hesitated for a moment, then shook her head "I'm okay, and I'm here now, so tell me what happened." She turned to face me, and told me everything that happened throughout the day. My eyes widened, and I just pulled her close "Oh baby..." I held her tight and kissed her head "I don't think a single one of those things about you. I love you for who you are. Your looks are just a bonus. I love your personality, your attitude, your passions, how you fight for the ones you loves, how your always there to make sure everyone is okay, even if they are an asshole." She smiled a bit "I love you for you, and nothing will ever change that." She nodded, and cuddled into my chest, quickly falling back into her sleep. I chuckled stroked her hair, soon falling off to sleep as well.

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